You Can Get A Chocolate Avocado At Target In Time For Valentine's Day

This avocado-shaped chocolate looks identical to the real thing
Avocado fans — rejoice. Target is selling a new avocado-shaped chocolate that looks exactly like an avocado. So I guess chocolate lovers can rejoice as well.
The decadent treat aptly called “Let’s Avo-Cuddle Solid White & Milk Chocolate” looks just like an avocado, and whilst eating green chocolate would normally be frowned upon, this time it’s not just OK, it’s something of a celebration. The chocolate has a bumpy green outer layer and heart-shaped “pit” that makes it as adorable as it is realistic. The only thing far fetched about this entire treat is that — as most avocado-lovers know — you’d never be lucky enough to pick one this perfectly ripe.
Instagram account @JunkFoodOnTheGo found the new item, captioning their post, “This is super cute but I would’ve loved if the white chocolate was actually avocado flavored!” they wrote. That’s a solid point.
This would be the perfect gift for your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day, or really just your average Tuesday. No one’s judging here. It also comes in at the low, low price of $5.99, which is a steal in comparison to actual avocadoes that literally go bad three hours after you buy it. It’s also six ounces of white and milk chocolate so you’re getting the best of both worlds in one yummy bite.
Of course, you can’t make avocado toast or guac with it but it’s solid chocolate so you really can’t complain, though true avocado-aficionadoes will do just that because avocados have developed a bit of a cult-like following in recent years (though absolutely deserved) and nothing, not even chocolate, can replace it.
The little green gems are adored for a reason. They are nutritious, full of “good” fat, loaded with fiber, and can even help us lower our cholesterol levels. Chocolate. Well, chocolate makes us happy and there’s something to be said for that, too.
What’s even better? The Avo-Cuddle is available on so you don’t even need to get out of your jammies to enjoy this sweet treat. Just hit “Add to Cart” and before you know it, you’ll be licking green chocolate off your fingers while binge-watching the latest murder mystery documentary on Netflix. I personally can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday.
This article was originally published on