You Didn't Ask, But Here They Are Anyway: 10 Best Poop Toys Of 2021

Poop toys: kinda weird, definitely gross, and for some reason — despite the fact that we all do it on the reg — are always funny. Poop is a central part of our lives and vernacular. From “I’m so pooped,” to “Poo on you,” to the literal “I have to take a poop,” poop is always in our minds in one way or another. Our babies and toddlers unashamedly do it any time, anywhere, but eventually, they find out it’s taboo … and maybe that’s where the humor comes in. So, wouldn’t it make sense to add some poop paraphernalia to their collection of Marvel character figures, Frozen dolls, and puppy dog toys to, you know, round things out? Yeah, we thought so.
Poop has a way of tickling the funny bone, so why not let your kid play with poop without having to, you know, actually play with poop? From stinky kid-friendly pranks, to silly games, to cuddly plush dolls, we found the best potty toys for your little jokester — so get ready for fart jokes galore. And for kid-at-heart adults who still enjoy a little potty humor, these NSFW gag gifts will definitely give them a chuckle.
Best Poop Toys
Best Poop Dolls & Stuffies
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