Here Are Our Favorite Talc-Free & Organic Baby Powders — No Butts About It

They say newborns go through a whopping 11 diapers a day on average! No wonder in those first few weeks of parenthood we all quickly become diapering pros. Most parents quickly find their go-to diapers, wipes, and baby balms, but baby powder gets more complicated. By now you’ve probably heard from your mom squad or pediatrician that you should steer clear of talc-based baby powders. (The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees with them too.) But why?
The Talcum Powder Controversy
In its natural form, talcum is composed of hydrated magnesium silicate which can contain asbestos — and it is highly carcinogenic. Yes, the powder we put on ourselves and our babies could cause cancer. Very scary stuff! Plus, the itty bitty talcum particles in baby powder float through the air and are easily inhaled causing possible lung damage in addition to the cancer concerns.
In February 2020, Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest baby powder manufacturers, was ordered by a jury to pay out a total of $750 million to four plaintiffs alleging talcum powder cancer from their baby powder. The lawsuit came just after the company issued a massive recall in October 2020 when trace amounts of asbestos was found in their talcum baby powder. Johnson & Johnson still stands behind their talcum baby powder as safe and asbestos free, although it will no longer be available for purchase in North America.
A Safer Option: Talc-Free Baby Powders
Want to play it safe but still keep your babies behind soft and rash free? Check out talc-free powders. They don’t carry the asbestos or inhalation risks since the alternative ingredients have larger, heavier particles (so they don’t float like talc). Protect those adorable jelly rolls from chafing just as easily as your baby’s buns with our favorite all natural talc-free powders.
All Natural Talc-Free Baby Powder
Organic Talc-Free Baby Powder
Ok yes, being a new parent is overwhelming. Who knew baby powder could be so controversial and complicated! But it doesn’t stop here. There are so many products to sort through, rules to remember, and unsolicited advice to consider. But we’ve got your back! Get trusted advice from parents who’ve seen it all.
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