27 Easy Wall Art Ideas For An Instagram-Worthy Nursery

When it comes to nursery decor, everyone has ideas for the essentials (crib, dresser, glider, etc.), so the idea of nursery wall decor can be overwhelming when piled on top of everything else we need to do before baby arrives. Nursery wall art is important not only for making the room complete, but also to give BB something stimulating to look at while they spend all those hours in their room. (That is, if we can ever get them out of our room!). Babies see contrasting patterns and bright colors first (speaking of, buying a crib mobile is a must), so choosing wall art that fits that mold is a safe bet. Some of the most popular ideas that work include a safari, neutral, or woodland theme, and you can incorporate it into everything from the crib sheets to the nursery decor.
That said, deciding on a theme for the nursery is the first step in cutting through the million online options. Other things to consider are how much wall space needs to be covered and whether to get stick-on wall decals, art prints, cartoon images, or drawings. (Don’t worry, we’ve narrowed down the choices even further!) One tip to consider when hanging wall art: Think about investing in frames that have shatterproof plexiglass instead of real glass. (It’s all fun and games until your toddler starts kicking the wall mid-tantrum!) Most art available online does not come framed, so looking for ready-to-hang canvas prints is another option.
We all know art can get expensive, which is why shopping at places like Etsy — where prints are available as instant downloads and can be customized in whatever size works for the nursery — is ideal. This should be the fun (read: NOT STRESSFUL) part of getting ready for Baby! So go ahead and pick that (safari? )theme you love and go wild. The phase of gender reveals and maternity dress shopping is coming to an end, and it’s time to really start nesting mama!
Best Nursery Wall Decor
Best Nursery Animal Wall Art
Best Nursery Wall Art For Girls
Best Nursery Wall Art For Boys
Best Elephant Wall Art For Nursery
Best Safari Nursery Wall Art
Looking for must-have baby items to fill up the nursery before BB arrives? Check out all of our mom-approved baby gear!
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