The Best Newborn Toys Recommended By Moms Everywhere

I wish someone told me how quickly the newborn stage actually happened. I also wish someone helped me out a bit with my baby shower registry — because, as it turns out, having a baby is a lot like having a wedding. You often get talked into buying overpriced baby merch just because you feel like you should. When it comes to best baby gear and best newborn toys, the wisest people to talk to are mothers who’ve already been through it — especially more than once.
The best newborn toys usually don’t contain loose parts — so, you might want to put the figurines and Barbies away for the time being. They’re also easily washable, as newborns aren’t the cleanest of people. If this is your first baby, you still may be fearful as to whether or not a toy can actually be dangerous. And that’s why it’s so good that moms can depend on each other’s advice.
Still speaking of the “I wish someone told me’s,” I also wish someone told me how rapidly babies change from month to month. While each month is a milestone, young children really learn how to do so much, so quickly. Within that first year, you’ll likely have a first word — or, the start of an increased vocabulary. Many kids are already walking by this point. Thus, many of the “baby” supplies you get in general won’t be long-term.
If you’re trying to figure out the best toys to get the newborn in your life — whether it’s yours or someone else’s — here are 11 of the best newborn toys on the market. And, they’re all mom-approved.
Best Toys For Babies
Best Toys For Babies 3-6 months
Best Toys For Babies 6-12 months
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