21 Gifts Your Nanny, The Real MVP Of Your Life, Will Love And Appreciate

When the time comes to treat our babysitter or nanny, gift ideas seem to be few and far between. In a world where cash is king for a nanny bonus, we believe gifting something thoughtful shows how much we care (and need them!). After all, our nannies love our kids as if they are their own (we’ve seen it on the nanny cam), all while wiping tears, arranging playdates, cleaning butts, prepping Baby’s meals, and keeping the house together for our return home. How do you say thank you in a way that acknowledges this person’s genuine selflessness? They are choosing to spend every day with our kids and thus have become part of the family.
Jen B., a nanny we know, shared this: “I liked getting stuff that was a little more than I’d get or spend on myself.” It’s best to find something that reminds them that they are a person outside of caring for our kids. Something that they might lust after but would never buy themselves. Or just something thoughtful, simple, and personalized from the kids. Kids often choose the most random things to give as gifts, but that is what makes them so special. Jen once received an avocado pitter from her 2-year-old charge. “I enjoyed him picking me out a gift, that was the best! I think of him every time I use it.”
Not feeling wrapping up an avocado pitter this holiday? Not to worry, we’ve curated a list of all the best nanny gifts, each with a different kind of caregiver in mind, for when a wad of cash just isn’t enough to say thank you.
Best Nanny & Babysitter Gifts
Personalized Nanny & Babysitter Gifts
Goodbye Gifts For Nannies & Babysitters
Best Babysitter Gifts
Looking for more great holiday gift ideas for everyone on your list? Check out all of our mom approved gift guides for 2020.
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