Behold: The Loudest Alarm Clocks For Kids (And Parents) Who Can Sleep Through Almost Anything

Mornings are tough, especially if you’re a heavy sleeper. You have to be roused from a practically unconscious state of slumber, win the battle of the snooze button, and then finally drag yourself out of your comfy bed hoping you’re not already late for something. And kids, whether you like it or not, force you to become a morning person, making your whole day start even earlier. Just thinking about it makes us want to go back to sleep.
To help with the whole wakeup process (whether it’s for you or you kid(s) who just started school again and need to get used to waking up early in the morning again) you might want to invest in a loud, like impossible-to-ignore loud, alarm clock. Hey, we didn’t say the a.m. would be any more enjoyable (coffee helps), but at least you’ll be up.
Unsurprisingly, there are plenty of heavy sleepers out there, which means there are lots of alarm clocks that get creative in how they force you awake. Some are deafening loud and/or shake your bed, and others even roll away when you try to turn them off. While children are probably the most aggressively loud alarm clocks you can have, here are nine options that you can actually control.
Here are the best alarm clocks for heavy sleepers:
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