The Best Kids Bike Seats So You & Your LO Can Ride Like The Wind Together

A kids bike seat is an essential piece of gear for every biking parent: Sometimes, you want to ride a bike without stopping every 10 feet to wait for your little one to catch up on their tricycle or scooter. Today’s child bike seat attachments are lightweight, sturdy, aerodynamic, and safer than ever. Heck, the best toddler bike seats have even protected little ones during crashes, leaving them relatively unscathed while the biking parent nursed injuries at the hospital. (Of course, the helmet kept that little noggin safe, too).
Have an older kiddo who wants to experience the thrill of the ride on an actual bike seat? Check out some of the newest front-facing mid-mounted bike seat attachments that feel just like riding a bike – without the actual pedaling and steering. Have an unpredictable toddler who needs to be fully strapped in? Or an older baby ready for a ride? A child bike seat that’s front-mounted will let you easily interact with your little one.
That said, some of the most popular rear-mounted baby and toddler bike seats are plush oversized loungers perfect for a nap. But no matter which you choose, the screen-free entertainment of a leisurely bike ride will be a nice reprieve watching their fave Disney cartoon characters sing the same songs over and over if you ask us.
Get outside and take a ride as a family! You can head to the neighborhood playground to have fun on the outdoor swings, or visit grandma around the corner for a good game of trivia. Wherever your destination, you’ll get there in record time by avoiding all those stops with one of these state-of-the-art child bike seats.
Baby Bike Seat Front Mounts
Toddler Bike Seat Front Mounts
Rear Child Bike Seats
Front-Mounted Child Bike Seats
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