8 Jewelry Trays To Make Sure You Never Lose Your Rings Again

How many times have you told your kiddos to put their laundry away or organize their sock drawer? Too many to count, amirite? We’re not trying to point any fingers, but when was the last time YOU cleaned off your dresser or nightstand? Practice what you preach by turning that heap of tangled necklaces into organized chaos. If you don’t already have one in your possession, then a jewelry dish or tray could be the answer to your prayers (or your partners).
Raise your hand if you have a habit of taking off your jewelry in the most obscure places and then forgetting where you put it? Same, mama, SAME. When a grown-up jewelry box is too much of a hassle, a set of space-saving stackable jewelry trays will allow you to see all your precious baubles so that you know exactly where everything is at any given moment. Just think: You’ll never have to fumble around to find a statement necklace for a Zoom meeting again… ‘cuz everything will be neatly organized and in view. From personalized jewelry pieces to rings that you wear every single day, allow one of these 8 mom-approved jewelry trays (or ceramic ring dishes) to help you get your ish together.
Need help sprucing up your living room next? Check out all our fave home and kitchen finds to give your space a fresh look.
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