These Freezable Bra Coolers Are Your Summer Boob Sweat Saviors

Ahhhh…consider these to be your summer boob sweat solution
Boob sweat and summer heat basically go hand-in-hand for most women, no matter what size your boobs are. If it’s hot outside and you’re wearing a solid-colored shirt that isn’t black, chances are you’ve seen The Burning Ring Of Boob Sweat form a distinguished horizontal line underneath your chest. Welp, that problem is about to be solved thanks to these freezable bra coolers.
Yep, you read that right: bra coolers. And they’re here to save your summer.
They’re made by Polar products, so you know they’re legit. “When you are overheated, sometimes all you need is a quick, refreshing cool down in just the right places!” Oh HELL yes. Finally, a company that has a woman on the marketing team — that’s almost as refreshing to see as these here bra coolers.
These boob-friendly babies sit at a cool and comfortable 58 degrees. They come with a pair of cotton covers and two sets of cooling packs — it’s like having a bonus backup! You can keep one set at home and keep one set of your bra coolers in your actual cooler for when you’re out having fun in the heat. These reusable packs also deliver their comfortable cooling powers for up to one hour. The pair of coolers will only set you back $37.11, which works out to $18 per boob.
I am currently a million weeks pregnant with my second child, due next month during the hottest month of the year where I live. I recently ventured to an outdoor concert, where I tailgated with fellow non-pregnant folk who were busy cooling off with Bud Light Limes while I bonged ice water left and right. In every photo taken from that hotter-than-Satan’s-asshole day, The Burning Ring Of Boob Sweat is extremely visible across my chest. Do you know what I would have given to have a set of bra coolers that day? To even know these things exist?
And they’re not just great for pregnant people, either. I immediately thought of anyone with PMS, those enduring the grueling life phase of peri-menopause, and — hello, I should help patent this idea — a pair for your underwear (hear me out) to combat the other dreaded summertime sweat-induced wardrobe affliction: SWAMP ASS.
These bra coolers come in a variety of cup-friendly sizes, which include an option for “size D or larger” (which, come on, we’re the ones who would benefit most from these).
Polar Products offers women-centric ways to continue staying cool for the remainder of the dog days of summer if you’re interested in taking a gander. Here’s a “Fashion Cooling Scarf” so you look cute while staying cool, and no one is the wiser.
And here’s the “Kool Max Secret Kit” because women are supposed to glow, damn it, and if we sweat like pigs we can’t have anyone knowing! It comes with a cooling neck scarf, the bra coolers, and a “secret torso cooling wrap” which also kinda sounds like heaven if you’re a back sweater (ahem), too.
It might be the end of July, but for many places it stays hot, hot, hot through September — which is why this entire line of cooling gear is a must-have for so many of us.
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