Birthing Balls Can Help Alleviate Pregnancy Aches And Pains — And These Are The Best Ones

Birthing balls may seem like one of those pregnancy essentials people tell you that you need (like nipple cream, maternity swimsuits, and maternity leggings), but don’t. But that’s not true, and it totally depends on your personal preference. If your baby is due any second, you may be experiencing a handful of less-than-savory bodily occurrences a ball could help alleviate. It’s true — the third trimester is the time to get prepared for your baby to arrive in the world and get the heck out of your body. A great thing that can help with difficulties including constipation, lower back pain, and uncomfy in-utero baby positioning is finding the best birthing ball. But what even is a birthing ball, anyway?
How to use a birthing ball:
A birthing ball is more or less a yoga or exercise ball (think: ’80s workout videos and office chairs for restless folk) but for pregnant people. If you’re feeling unable to work out or are just experiencing general bodily stiffness or pain from contractions, a birthing balls can loosen you up and get your body moving comfortably. Birthing balls have a range of benefits during the pregnancy as well as after, when you can bounce on it to help soothe your baby.
All that said, a birthing ball may not be the first thing that comes to your loved ones’ mind when selecting your push present, so you may have to treat yo’ self to one. If you know little-to-nothing about how to choose the best birthing ball brand, this guide is for you. Here is the skinny on finding the best ball for that pregnancy and postpartum bounce.
Best Exercise Ball for Pregnancy
Best Yoga Ball for Labor
Now you can find one that rocks your style and gets your body feeling its best. Wherever you are with your ball — your computer, your workout area, or even on the sidewalk outside (who are we to judge?) — we hope this new addition buys you some relief. Then after the birth, you can go back to calling your new equipment an exercise ball. For more savvy shopping tips and hacks for mamas, surf our recommendations here.
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