8 Toddler Water Tables To Keep Kiddos Cool And Busy In Your Own Backyard

No matter where you live or what you have planned this summer, warmer weather more than likely means your kiddos will be anxious to get outside — but packing up all their shit and actually going somewhere is often way more work than it’s worth, right? By the time you bundle up the best on-the-go snacks, get there, unpack the snacks, slather on child-safe sunscreen against their will and put out the chairs, it’s probably time to go back home already. (Did we mention getting them in and out of the car seats?)
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Pro mommy-ing hack: ditch the destination entirely. Instead, stay home and be the cool mom with these backyard water tables that will keep them from whining, “Mooooom, I’m hooootttt” every five minutes and keep them entertained for hours on end. And since it’s not a full-on backyard inflatable pool (though we love those, too!), you don’t even need to force them into bathing suits if you don’t feel like it. Who knows, you may even have time to sip that rosé spritzer you poured yourself for once.
Best Water Table for All Ages
Best Water Table for Budding Engineers
Best Water Table for Space Saving
Best Water Table for Teaching Life Skills
Best Water Table for the Whole Gang
Best Water Table for Play-Based Learning
Best Water Table for Sun, Sand + Sea
Best Water Table for Future Surfers
And since you can never have too much at-home entertainment (always, but particularly when the temperatures rise), check out more Scary Mommy-approved summer toys!
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