8 Best Non-Toxic Pots & Pans To Ensure Your Family Meals Are Safe *AND* Yummy

You try your best to be healthy, Mom. You make smoothies for the kids to encourage them to eat their fruits and veggies and you drink kombucha for crying out loud. But it’s not just what you eat and what you cook that should be your only health concern in the kitchen. What you’re cooking in and with might not be the most safe, sustainable, or healthy choice.
Trust us, the road to a more sustainable, non-toxic home is not the most obvious road, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. While finding the safest cookware may take a little research, it’s well-worth the payoff. Don’t panic, we did the looking for you—’cause we love you, duh! So, sit back on the couch with that heavy wine pour, Mom, and scroll through the best sustainable cookware sets you can get for both you and your family.
Most of these pots and pans are made in the USA, or are sustainably made, and all of these cookware products are sustainable, chemical-free, and good for both the environment and people. Oh, and because safe and sustainable shouldn’t mean sacrificing “cute,” all of these products are damn cute, too! Keep reading for the 8 best sustainable and non-toxic cookware products to cook your next meal in — and we know these days it feels like we’re cooking all damned day!
Now that your cookware is sustainable, nontoxic, and made in the USA, check out more favorite mom-approved home & kitchen products!
This article was originally published on