Kids Tablets Exist For Learning AND To Give Adults A Much-Needed Break From Time To Time

Parents: Imagine life without kids tablets. The car rides filled with backseat tantrums and “are we there yet?” whines. The Saturday mornings when you can’t get anything done because your bored child won’t give you one second of peace and quiet. The endless arguments about who gets to pick what they watch on TV (because “he got to choose last time, Mom!”). Yikes.
Fortunately, you don’t have to live that cringe-inducing reality—because kids tablets do exist (praise be). More importantly, kids tablets with Wifi exist, giving your child endless hours of apps, games, and movies that give you a much-needed break from time to time. If you’re a busy multi-tasking mama (trying to do Zoom calls while simultaneously homeschooling the kids is no joke), then 30 minutes of peace and quiet is pure bliss.
But kids tablets aren’t all fun and games (pun intended). As a parent, you also have to worry about Internet safety and security. A.k.a. you want some parental controls so you can monitor what your child is watching, how much screen time they’re allowed, and which sites they can visit. Side note: Isn’t it crazy that the kids are at that age when they can have their own cell phone and personal devices?! Mind = blown.
To help keep both you and your little one happy, we’ve rounded up the best kids tablets with Wifi, from the top-rated educational tablet to the wildly popular Amazon Fire. You’ll be able to rest easy knowing exactly what they can (and can’t) do on their new device—which to us, sounds like the perfect excuse to hand them their tablet and sneak off for a little mommy time.
Want more ideas for keeping your kiddos entertained? Check out the rest of our favorite kid gear.
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