10 Best Indoor Exercise Bikes For A Great At-Home Workout Without The $2000+ Price Tag

Most days, your exercise routine probably includes a healthy mix of cardio and strength training… as in, running after your children, lifting furniture to retrieve lost toys, and carrying one too many heavy grocery bags to minimize the number of trips you have to take between your car and the kitchen. But sometimes, it’s nice to have some dedicated time and space to work out. While you may not be able fit a regular gym visit in your schedule, you can create a mini studio inside your house with the help of key fitness equipment. For example, an indoor exercise bike is a great option to help quickly break a sweat, and it can get your heart rate up just as effectively as hearing a crash and subsequent “Mooom!” from the next room.
Having an indoor bike at home is an easy way to squeeze in some cardio before the rest of the family wakes up or in between doing other crap, and there are a surprising number of affordable options available. We’re not saying we wouldn’t want a Peloton if we could find the money— but we hear you— it’s already being spent on essentials like groceries, kids clothes, college savings, blah, blah, blah…
Depending on what you’re looking for, you can find a great stationary bike for a few hundred dollars. So if it’s an upright, folding, or recumbent version — here are some of the best-selling exercise bikes on Amazon for your next ride at home.
Upright Stationary Exercise Bikes
Folding Stationary Exercise Bikes
Recumbent Stationary Exercise Bikes
For other ways to upgrade your health and sanity, check out our other wellness picks.
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