9 Feminine Wipes To Keep Your Lady Bits Feeling Fresh When You Just Don't Have Time To Shower

Female cleansing wipes are often a saving grace. If you’re a mom, you know that a shower each day is not a sure thing, so you truly have to make the most of those five minutes when you get to close the bathroom door and take care of your business. The predicament becomes you desperately wanting to shower but your children are calling your name and assigning you 50 million other tasks at the same time, which means you’ll just have to pull your hair back and try for that shower later (again).
This is where feminine wipes literally save the day. They’re basically a drive-through car wash for your lady bits and they’re a godsend when you’re in a time crunch but want to feel clean. Even if you’ve recently showered, hot summer days, a midday home workout, or even long stretches sitting in a chair can increase odor down there, notes Wendy C. Goodall McDonald, MD, an OB/GYN in Chicago. These wet wipes for feminine hygiene are intended to help reduce that odor, but they’re not intended to “clean” the inside of the vagina. (If you’re experiencing any strange smells or discharge, see your OB/GYN, as that may be a sign of an infection). Also, Dr. McDonald adds that pregnant women and women with sensitive skin should use caution if using anything with fragrances or irritating cleansers.
Here are some of the top recommended feminine wipes that will give you that clean feeling and hold you over until your next rendez-vous with your shower.
Best Feminine Wipes
Best Natural Feminine Wipes
Best Feminine Wipes For Sensitive Skin
Ready to indulge in some more self-care? We’ve got more buys for mom recommended wellness and pampering.
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