Roar The Kiddos To Bed With Dinosaur Books That Will Have Them Laughing All The Way To The Museum Of Natural History

Start ‘em early, and your kiddos will be begging for a library card by the time they enter pre-K (if not sooner!). Beyond sharpening your child’s cognitive skills and nurturing their creative spirit, books are a fantastic distraction—especially when kick-butt dinosaurs are involved in the plotline. Whether you’re on the way to the babysitter’s house or you have an 8 a.m. doctor’s appointment—as you know, quiet waiting rooms and screeching children are no match for mama—all it takes is a friendly T-Rex wearing polka dot pajamas to win your five-year-old over.
Don’t be surprised when they low-key beg you to read their favorite dino book just ONE more time before shuteye. From illustrated picture books chock-full of new vocabulary to charming tales that present a valuable life lesson, these are the 12 best dinosaur books for kids.
Head over to our library for more books your kids will love!
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