The 8 Best Car Seat Cleaners For Beating Crumbs & Grime

When you buy a new (or used) car, you know the moment you drive it off the lot it depreciates in value. This same philosophy can be applied to a child’s car seat. As soon as your little one is old enough to ride, eat, and drink in the car seat, you can rest assured it will get filthy — and quickly. You can also say goodbye to your exceptionally clean seats and floor mats while you’re at it. Fortunately, the best car seat cleaners can tackle the grime, the crumbs, the stickiness, and then some — so order (and your sanity) is restored, no matter how briefly.
To fight back the filth, consider the tools you’ll need for the job. Maybe that involves a powerful handheld vacuum to suction up all the stray snacks (oh-so-many Goldfish…) that have made their way into every nook and cranny of the car seat. Maybe it means an effective upholstery cleaner to revive the sticky, smelly fabric that’s seen one too many squirts of food pouch. Or, if you’re trying to get all those hard-to-reach places, you need the ingenious gel that picks up all the dirt, dust, and debris.
With all that in mind, it’s time to shop car seat cleaners. There’s one for every need and budget — and they’re all on Amazon.
Best Car Seat Cleaners