9 Baby Bath Time Essentials To Make Tub Time Together Even More Fun

Whether you’re one of those parents who gets around to bathing baby once a week or who does a bath every evening before bedtime, kudos to you for getting those little ones scrubbed clean.
Bathtime isn’t just about cleanliness though. (Although yes, that remains the top goal.) It’s also a great time to bond with your little one and introduce babies to water. No worries if they scream bloody murder, they’ll love water eventually, right? Plus, they might even sleep better after a bath—winning!
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That’s not all, though. You can use bath time to enhance your little one’s senses and fine motor skills. That’s right, they can be learning while they are soaking away. We see this as an opportunity, a fun opportunity, to read, sing, learn the ABC’s and maybe even deliver a few healthy snacks (we’ve gotten lots of fruits in during bath time). You just need some fun toys and waterproof books to get them excited for the bath. Bubble bath helps, too. Below are some of the best baby bath toys and books for the tub.
For more essential baby gear, be sure to check out Scary Mommy’s Spotted finds.
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