BB Bottles Cleaner Than Your Floor? Yes. With The Newest Crop Of Bottle Sterilizers The Work Gets Done For You.

As a parent with a new baby, it seems like there are plenty of things to worry about. After all, the average parent spends at least 37 hours per week worrying about her children. Some weeks, those 37-hour parents seem like massive underachievers.
If you want one less thing to worry about, try a bottle sterilizer. Eliminating germs from the item you use every few hours, day or night (emphasis on night), keeps your baby safer. The baby’s immune system is especially vulnerable in the first year of life.
And for those times when you feel like your house is a disaster, that’s not fit enough for the family dog to live in safely, at least you can count on the baby bottle being perfectly clean and safe with a bottle sterilizer. (Unfortunately, with that image now in mind, it’s time start sterilizing the house from attic to basement to a mother-in-law level of clean AND give the dog a bath … all before the baby wakes up and wants a bottle.)
If you think this baby stuff is cool, we’re going to blow your f***ing mind with our best baby gear product guides. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
This article was originally published on