You Should Always Have A Reliable Baby Thermometer On Hand — Here Are Some Of The Best Ones

One of your top go-tos as a parent will be a thermometer, especially the baby thermometer when you’ve got an infant. One of the scariest parts about having a newborn is the fact that they can’t tell you when they’re not feeling good. I told myself that when my daughter started talking, it’d be so much easier when it came to her health. Little did I know, shows like Doc McStuffins would end up making her think she’s constantly in need of a doctor every time she scraped her knee. (She’s also concerned about every freckle I have on my body. Every small dot leads to the question of, “Did you fall?” as that’s one of the only disasters a 3-year-old can think of.) That said, one of the ultimate best baby shower gifts, which I recommend to everyone who’s looking for ideas, was a first aid box.
My husband’s aunt, who happens to be a pediatric nurse, covered every possible medical incident. The gift served as a relief. Not only was it a reminder that I could call her in regards to every rash and bump (which I still do!) but it was comforting to know that I had everything I needed, just in case an emergency hit. Nobody wants to hit up a 24-hour pharmacy at 2 am when they’re desperately in need of baby Tylenol.
Baby thermometers are one of the most important things to get. A baby’s temperature will tell you when it’s time to go to the ER, in case of severe emergency. And, it’s also important to practice taking a temperature, since there are a few ways to get it wrong. For example, you might assume that under the armpit is a solid method, but many pediatricians feel like it’s just a good way to get a base reading. “Taking the temperature under the arm (in the armpit) is called axillary measurement,” confirms Hopkins Medicine. “It may be used to ‘screen’ or get an idea about whether or not any child has a fever.”
If you want to buy a new baby thermometer (or, a few) in advance, just to make sure you’re as prepared as possible. Here are a few strong recommendations to consider.
Looking for more baby product advice? Check out what other baby gear product recommendations we’ve got.
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