16 Adorable Baby Halloween Costumes You Can Buy Online

Baby Halloween costumes are so freaking adorable, it’s almost frightening how many swoon-worthy options there are these days. Let’s face it: Baby’s first October 31st is less about Baby, and more about Mommy finding and securing the most aw-dorable costume on the shelf (or the web). And it’s not just about a cute photo op, either — a picture of Baby in their Halloween costume could be holiday card potential, work as a birth announcement, or, better yet, Insta click-bait.
But here’s the predicament when it comes to choosing the best Halloween costume for your baby: Your bundle of joy is so itty-bitty, they can’t relay their interests for no reason other than the fact that they have none. Your kiddo could care less who they’re dressing up as, or what jar of food gets dropped into their jack-o-lantern bucket. As long as a warm bottle is in their near future, they’re content. Plus, since this Halloween is looking very different, thanks to COVID-19, you’re most likely going to be spending it inside, eating candy, and watching scary movies. But just because you may not be going anywhere, doesn’t mean you can’t still dress up — you’ll still want pictures for your photo album/phone after all!
So what’s a mama to do? How’s a mama to choose? To help narrow down your options, we’ve rounded up some of the cutest baby Halloween costumes available online right now.
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