Here Are The Best Baby Food Makers For Parents Who Want To Skip The Baby Food Aisle

Baby foods were oddly fun for me, so I have some experience with baby food makers. Similar to baby formulas vs. breastmilk vs. doing both, everyone has their own preferences and nobody is right or wrong. While my daughter is currently 3.5 and eating solids like a champ, we had about a year where prepackaged baby foods were our go-to. It seemed fun to go to the store and create a “meal” based on what I thought she’d like. Prunes and bananas for dinner? Why not! Secondly, I knew baby food wasn’t really a choking risk. When it comes to feeding babies, you can never be too careful. As being a mom comes with a lot of extra anxiety, it was nice to have one less thing to worry about.
RELATED: Deciphering And Deciding On Baby’s First Foods — A Guide For Moms From Moms
However, there’s also something somewhat sad about commercial baby food. A lot can easily get wasted, and it never looks all that appetizing. That’s why many moms are into making their own food at home. Much like the food you can find in the store, this also has its pros and cons. For one, even if you’ve got a ton of produce, it can be a little alarming to see how small those apples shrink when they’re being mashed and mixed. Often times, you may only get a few jars out of it.
But, as for pros, it’s great to know that you’re feeding your baby real food. You’ll know firsthand that the food you make from a baby food maker is the real deal. You’re not adding anything into it that you, yourself, wouldn’t eat. And, it’s a good skill to learn if you’re ever in a situation where you’re in a bind and unexpectedly run out of baby food. Looking for the best baby food maker makes sense, since you want to be confident that you’re doing it right.
Here are 8 of the best baby food makers that’ll help you get started.
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