The Best Bucket Hats To Keep Your Baby Protected From The Sun & Lookin' Fresh

It’s warm and sunny out, so it makes sense you’re looking for a baby bucket hat for your LO. They’re cute, functional, and very on trend. If you’ve survived a long cold winter either pregnant or with a newborn in tow, it’s safe to say that summer can’t come fast enough. But one of the unforeseen tricky parts of touting a baby around in the summertime is that they are so susceptible to sunburns and they’re too young for sunscreen if they’re under 6 months old. Alas, you’re pretty much stuck with two options—either stay indoors all summer long (yeah, right) or invest in a bucket load of bucket hats for your baby. (Plus water toys and activities, like kiddie pools and water tables — trust).
What are bucket hats? They’re sun hats that are shaped like a bucket in that they have a wide brim that covers everything inside it—namely, your baby’s entire head. They’re been around since the early 1900s, which means your grandparents probably grew up wearing them. They are usually made from heavy-duty cotton fabrics so that they’re durable and don’t allow the sun’s harmful UV rays to penetrate through.
What are bucket hats good for?
Bucket hats are ideal for sun protection. When shopping for a bucket hat, it’s a smart idea to make sure that it not only covers the entirety of your baby’s head and face, but also offers some shoulder coverage as well. Any bucket hat that you buy should also have a strap of some sort that helps secure it to your baby’s head so that it doesn’t fly off into the wind.
Ready to shop baby bucket hats for the summer? Here are some of the best on the market right now, according to moms.
Best Baby Bucket Hats
Best Baby Girl Bucket Hats
Best Baby Boy Bucket Hats
You probably recognize this brand from their amazing baby shoes—i.e. shoes for babies that can’t walk yet. This hat is equally rave-worthy because it protects all areas of your baby’s face and comes in sizes ranging from 6M to 4T.
Now that you’ve got your baby’s bucket hat(s) squared away, shop more of our kids summer picks here!
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