Visit The Final Frontier With These 11 Solar System Coloring Pages

Learning about outer space is one of the most fun parts of childhood. While elementary schools don’t often deep-dive into the vast expanses of the solar system, most kids are familiar with planets and can at least tell you a little about the sun. Want a fantastic way to keep the lessons going? Look no further than our collection of solar system coloring pages. Space is fascinating, so learning about it to any degree should be encouraged!
Solar system coloring pages also make an opportune time to break out every crayon or colored pencil in the box, as the solar system is surprisingly colorful. Earth is one of the most vibrant planets (holla!), thanks to its many beautiful shades of green and blue. Jupiter is also dazzling to look at, as it’s a swirling mix of brown, burnt oranges, and tan. Of course, we’d be remiss not to mention Saturn, too — its surface is a moody muddle of blues, browns, yellows, and reds that seems to change every time you look at it.
That means that you’ll need to get all of your best Crayolas out for these solar system coloring pages. Here are 10 great drawings to print out for your kids (or, space nerds unite, yourself.) And when you finish these, you can jet on over to our alien coloring pages.
Free Printable Solar System Coloring Pages
Solar System No. 1
If your child is currently learning about the solar system, this will be a super-relatable coloring page. To make the page even more educational, try to have your child identify the planets based on their markings and ask them to color them in as realistically as possible. You can even make the child’s T-shirt solar system-appropriate. Try drawing a star in front, or use the same colorations as you would with planet Earth.
Solar System No. 2
Think the planets are friends? Well, probably not — because they’re planets. But if there’s ever a Disney movie about the solar system, surely Earth would be buddy-buddy with Saturn, the second-largest planet in the solar system.
Solar System No. 3
Sure, this may be missing Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune (and Pluto, if you want to get old-school), but it’s still a rad little outline of some of the popular planets — along with their best bud, the sun. What we love about this coloring page is it tells you more about the topography of the planets. After you or your child colors it in, you can hang it up as a study guide. Did you know Mars has the largest volcano (that we know of) and valley?
Solar System No. 4
There may not be too much to color here, but the parts worth coloring will make this page stand out. Muted grays and blues would look — dare we say? — out-of-this-world. You could also have your cute little future NASA employee use the space (#PunIntended) in the margins to draw a satellite, space shuttle, or even a few extraterrestrial pals.
Solar System No. 5
Remember the drawing above that missed Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune? Well, here they are! Still no Pluto, but we have to agree with science that it just no longer qualifies. Sigh. But here’s a fun fact about the beloved celestial dwarf: It has icy mountains that are 11,000 feet high, which proves that it’s geologically active. But Pluto isn’t the only tiny planet. Mercury is also shrinking!
Solar System No. 6
This coloring page has everything. Rockets, a shooting star, space rocks, the sun, and so much more. This picture may make you wary of what’s actually happening in space, but keep in mind that this wasn’t drawn to scale. It just includes some of the best parts of the solar system. Although, interesting fact, there is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe! Here’s an even stranger factoid: There are rocks on earth from Mars that astronauts didn’t bring back. Scientists believe an asteroid brought them here.
Solar System No. 7
Is your child dreaming of being an astronaut? Then this coloring page would be adorable to hang up in their room. It’s almost like an astronaut vision board. With such small details, you may want to use fine point markers or colored pencils to complete this drawing. Fun fact: Did you know the earth is made up of iron, oxygen, silicon, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, nickel, calcium, and aluminum? That’s a lot of elements!
Solar System No. 8
While it’s always nice to color in planets realistically, we’re partial to being more adventurous. After all, space is the final frontier! Bold hues like pink, purple, or even shimmering silver and gold will give these planets a ton of personality.
Solar System No. 9
If you want an additional challenge, it may be fun to color the background in black. Not only is it realistic, but it’ll make the colors you pick for the other planets stand out. Or, if you’re up for the challenge, you could try to create the Milky Way in the background. And although Mercury is closest to the sun, it’s not the hottest. In fact, Venus is. Mercury is 800 degrees while Venus is 875. Did you know Mercury is actually shrinking?
Solar System No. 10
Wanna encourage your child’s interest in exploring space someday? Hang this page on the fridge. Plus, you can share a few facts with them about the process of becoming an astronaut. Like, for example, that the selection process for NASA takes 18 months. And, once chosen, astronaut candidates must complete two years of basic training.
Solar System No. 11
Astronauts may not wear Huggies or Luvs, but the diapers they wear are super absorbent. They’re called a maximum absorbency garments. Astronauts wear these diapers because the life of a star sailor is hectic and filled with delays. It’s important for them to stay in their seats and handle missions instead of running to the toilet.
Click here to print all of the solar system coloring pages at once!
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