Moms Hilariously Share Their Christmas Robes As Tribute To 'SNL' Skit

Moms everywhere are sharing their “I got a robe” moments thanks to hilarious SNL skit
If you haven’t seen the Saturday Night Live Christmas Morning sketch about moms getting robes as gifts please stop what you’re doing and go watch it immediately. To honor the reality of how that skit played out in real life on Christmas morning, moms on Twitter are sharing photos of the robes they received and they are funny as hell.
In the skit, Kristen Wiig’s SNL family wakes up on Christmas morning surrounded by presents of all kinds. Her son gets a Nerf gun, Hulk hands, a drone, a telescope, and a drum set. Wiig’s daughter gets a nice hat, a brand new phone, a hoverboard, a copy of “The Catcher in the Rye,” and a globe. Her husband scores an autographed baseball bat, a new tie, a laptop, and some other amazing gifts all likely bought by Wiig herself. And mom? Well, mom gets a new robe.
The moms of Twitter shared some hilarious photos next to the video of the SNL skit showing that the skit was funny because it was true.
This mother/daughter pair hilariously got each other matching robes for the win:
In the most mom post ever, this Twitter user made sure everyone knows she got a robe but that said robe is “really, really nice.” God forbid we hurt anyone’s feelings. Bless.
Others were more, um, honest about their gifts. “Oh I can top this….a robe. Wrong size. Back ordered until March. It’s ok fam, I love you anyway. It was clearly all worth it,” one Twitter user wrote.
I mean, here’s the thing. Getting a robe isn’t terrible in and of itself. They are comfy, useful, and a solid choice for anyone in the family. But if it’s the only gift under the tree, it can feel like perhaps your family didn’t put as much effort into your gift as you did theirs. Imagine your kids’ faces if the only thing under the Christmas tree was a robe? I’m thinking their faces would look something like this and they’d be writing Santa off forever.
Of course, it’s not just moms who have to suffer silently. This dad also got a robe but it looks like he’s making the most of it. “Merry Christmas – my children got me a robe. I’m smiling but I’m hiding the pain inside of me. It happens to dads too,” he wrote.
Here’s hoping there were a few other presents under the tree for these hardworking moms (and dad) so the skit didn’t hit too close to home. Let’s just pray they weren’t in vacuum or dishwasher form.