Moms Will LOL-Cry At This Painfully Real SNL ‘Christmas Morning’ Skit

SNL pokes fun at how moms are celebrated on Christmas morning
Saturday Night Live alum Kristen Wiig returned for the show’s final episode of 2020, and while she opened with some news about her personal life over the past year (twins!), and a hilarious holiday song, it was a skit about Christmas morning that had most moms nodding (shaking) their heads in “so real it hurts” unison.
In the skit, Wiig’s SNL family wakes up on Christmas morning surrounded by presents of all kinds. Her son, played by Kyle Mooney, gets, among other things, a Nerf gun, Hulk hands, a drone, a telescope, and a drum set. Wiig’s daughter, played by Chloe Fineman, gets a nice hat, a brand new phone, a hoverboard, a copy of The Catcher in the Rye, and a globe. Her husband scores an autographed baseball bat, a new tie, a laptop, and some other amazing gifts all likely bought by Wiig herself. And mom? Well, mom gets a new robe.
While the family continues to rap and dance around about even more gifts under the Christmas tree, Wiig finds the tag to her one present and realizes it was 40 percent off. “I got a robe. It’s really, really nice. Thanks guys, this is great,” Wiig says, slowly losing her will to live. Bless.
While her family opens pinball machines, the floor piano from Big, and other gifts, Wiig excuses herself to make breakfast for her family — in her new robe, of course. Yay. “I burned my arm in the oven. It hurt pretty bad, but I didn’t even scream, ’cause I keep the pain inside of me,” she sings. It’s funny because it’s true.
When the breakfast cooking is done, the family goes to open their stockings. Unfortunately for mom, she gets nothing because her family sucks. But wait, more presents under the tree? Oh, those are for the dog because he’s been a very good boy this year. (He also got a robe.)
This was the fourth time Wiig hosted SNL, a show she starred in from 2005-2012. “I consider this home, and it is so nice to be home for the holidays,” she said at the beginning of the show, plugging her new film Wonder Woman 1984 which comes out Christmas Day on HBO Max.
The “Christmas Morning” skit finally ends for Wiig, who now has many real Christmases to look forward to being disappointed in now that she’s a mom. It’s fitting that after getting nothing but a robe, her family takes an adorable selfie which she looks horrible in and posts it for the world to see.
Here’s hoping all the moms out there get more than a robe this year. But, it’s 2020, so the odds aren’t really in our favor.
This article was originally published on