This Collection Of Snake Coloring Pages Will Have Your Kid Saying, 'Yesssss!'

Listen, we realize snakes don’t always get the best rap. You might even be afraid of them. But we’re here to tell you that snakes are, in fact, super-cool creatures. With over 3,500 species globally, this diverse animal comes in all shapes and sizes. Some live on land, while others live in the sea. Many snakes even like to spend time in trees! And yes, snakes even make good pets. To help change your mind about one of our favorite reptiles, we created a collection of snake coloring pages for you and your kiddos — chock full of interesting facts about snakes sure to turn you into one of their biggesssst fans, too.
Coloring is an ideal at-home activity for kids, especially right now while we’re all spending more time in and around the house. Consider this a fantastic opportunity to teach your little nature lover all about the different snake species — venomous and non-venomous. That way, when the weather warms up (and they’re playing outside more), they have a healthy respect for and knowledge of these rad reptiles.
And once they finish these coloring pages, let the educational fun continue! Have them slither on over to our frog coloring pages, shark coloring pages, whale coloring pages, nature coloring pages, and more.
Free Snake Coloring Pages
Snake No. 1
This snake looks like it came straight out of a Disney movie, don’t you think? He reminds us a lot of Kaa from 1967’s animated classed The Jungle Book. A sly Indian rock python, Kaa would do just about anything to try to devour Mowgli. Don’t worry, though — he’s never successful! Fun fact: Snakes do not have visible ears but they can still hear. They listen using the vibrations in their jawbones.
Snake No. 2
Want to teach your kiddo a new big word? Tell them that snakes are ectotherms. That means that these cold-blooded creatures rely on external sources for heat. That’s why you often see snakes lying out in the sun — they use it to help heat them up and give them the energy they require to function (which includes being able to digest their meals). And fun fact: The most toxic snake in the world isn’t the black mamba. It’s actually the inland taipan, which is found in Australia. Snakes can also survive a year without eating because they can slow their metabolism down by 72 percent!
Snake No. 3
Look at this little fella! He doesn’t want to hurt you. In fact, snakes using hissing as a defense mechanism to help avoid confrontation. Most snakes, when disturbed, are just going to try to get away as quickly as possible (the world’s fastest snake, the black mamba, can move at speeds of 12.5 miles per hour!). If escaping isn’t an option, snakes will hiss to warn whatever has disturbed them that they’ll strike if necessary.
Snake No. 4
This long snake is likely some sort of python — one of the most impressive snake types if you ask us. Why? Well, for starters, reticulated pythons are believed to be the world’s longest snake. The longest recorded came in at nearly 33 feet long! And you know how most animals sniff with their noses? Well, snakes can smell with their tongues! They can also breathe somewhat through their skin, which allows them to make deep dives into water.
Snake No. 5
If we had to guess, we’d say this snake is a Trimeresurus stejnegeri — a species of venomous tree viper found in Asia. You may also hear it referred to as a Stejneger’s pit viper, Chinese pit viper, bamboo viper, or Chinese tree viper. While beautiful, these arboreal (meaning they live in trees) snakes should be respected and admired from a distance. Their bite delivers a potent hemotoxin. Did you know that the smallest snake is the Barbados threadsnake?
Snake No. 6
Here’s a fact that’ll blow your kids’ minds: Snakes don’t have eyelids. What they do have is something known as a brille — a transparent, immoveable, disc-shaped “scale” — attached to each eye.
Snake No. 7
We’d say this snake is wide-awake! Hmm, that makes us wonder what time of day it is where he is. Different snake species are more active at different times of the day or night. They fall into three main categories: diurnal (most active during the day), nocturnal (most active at night), and crepuscular (most active in the morning or evening).
Snake No. 8
Ooh, ooh, this might be one of our most favorite types of snakes! It looks close enough, so we’re proclaiming this snake to be a mud snake. Nonvenomous and semi-aquatic, mud snakes are endemic to the southeastern United States. They’re easily identifiable by their distinctive body pattern — glossy black scales on the upperside with red on their underside that extends up the snake’s sides to form bars of reddish-pink. So pretty!
Snake No. 9
Despite popular belief, a triangular-shaped head is not a reliable indicator that a snake is venomous. Many non-venomous snakes have similar head shapes, and others flatten their heads when threatened to make them appear triangular. Although snakes get a bad rap, they’re actually not aggressive. They only attack when they feel threatened, but they do enjoy being left alone.
Snake No. 10
What kind of snake do you think this is? Our best guess is a reticulated python, a species that lives in the tropical forests of coastal Southeast Asia.
Snake No. 11
King cobras do not mess around. When they feel threatened, they raise their heads almost six feet off the ground and spread their hood, so they look even bigger. But did you know that they also growl? The sound they make has been compared to an angry German shepherd. Although they can hiss, their growl is just as terrifying.
Snake No. 12
Many great tales include snakes like Aladdin’s Malcho, or Master Viper from Kung Fu Panda! And we can’t forget about Sammy the Snake from Sesame Street! Ask your kiddo who their favorite snake is and see if they can turn the slithery creature above into their serpent of choice.
Click here to print all of the free snake coloring pages at once!
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