Well, This Is Fun

What To Get Your Dog For Christmas Based On Their Zodiac Sign

Because shopping for your pet can be a ruff business.

by Kelly Schremph

There are a lot of wonderful things to look forward to throughout the holiday season. The food, the movies, the obligatory family bonding (enjoyed by some more than others, of course) — it all in all continues to be a pretty great time of year. Yet it isn’t all a stress-free affair. Christmas shopping can become a great source of tension for some people, leaving you both worried and overwhelmed. In fact, one member of the family, in particular, can prove to be quite challenging to buy for — mostly due to the fact that they’re unable to tell you what they want: your four-legged BFF.

Yes, Christmas shopping for your dog tends to be a difficult undertaking. Forget the fact that your dog neither knows nor cares what Christmas or presents are. We still enjoy giving gifts to the ones we love most, and that most certainly includes our beloved fur babies. We care about getting them a gift they’ll love, even if said gift gets destroyed a mere five minutes later. It’s the thought that counts, after all! But considering how different and wonderfully unique each doggie is, what is the best gift you could give them?

Since we can’t ask them directly, why not turn our inquiry to the stars and let the wonderful world of astrology impart a little helpful guidance? Here’s what to get your dog for Christmas based on their Zodiac sign.


A Food Puzzle

Like any true Aries, this dog loves a challenge and is highly competitive in nature. So, why not put those ambitious skills to the test with this toy treat dispenser that will satisfy your pet’s mind and belly? You can choose from three different levels: Level One for beginners, Level Two for intermediate, and Level Three for advanced. Once you decide where your dog’s skill level falls, just select your preference and let the fun begin!


Personalized Dog ID Tag

Loyalty and reliability are key traits of any Taurus. And what better way is there to reward such loyalty than by giving them something with an extra personal touch that also solidifies their prominent place within the pack? You can choose from a variety of different styles and colors that you can customize to fit your dog’s unique personality. Plus, it serves as an added precaution in case (god forbid) your dog ever went missing. That’s a level of responsibility any Taurus would gladly appreciate.


A Variety Pack

Geminis are fun, social, and extremely versatile beings who are always entertaining to be around. This means your dog probably has a blast with just about any toy they encounter. A variety pack of toys — from tug-of-war ropes to teething balls and cute stuffies — is the perfect way to lean into that flexibility. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy watching them explore (and slobber all over) their new gifts.


Chew Toys

Like Cancers, your dog may be really passionate about the things they love and have a difficult time coping with change. If so, let this six-pack of identical chew toys be a source of great comfort to your little four-legged friend. (Yes, they are indeed all different colors, but let’s not forget that dogs are supposedly color-blind, so it should be all the same to them!) And at the end of the day, what dog isn’t going to love a nice, fresh ball ripe for destroying?


Wobble Wag Giggle Glow in the Dark Interactive Dog Toy

Leos absolutely revel in being the center of attention, and there’s no louder, attention-seeking toy better than this Wobble Wag Giggle toy. The rest of the family may not thank you for it, but your dog will have the time of their life bouncing around after this noise machine — which also glows in the dark for added fun.


Personalized Storage Bin

When it comes to Virgos, they tend to be highly organized and extremely efficient, which is why your beloved canine might really enjoy having their own personal storage bin to keep all of their valuable possessions in. And by valuable possessions, I, of course, mean treats and toys. (So, you know, all the essential items in life.) You can customize the bin in various ways and even put your dog’s name on it for added effect. When it comes to this Virgo, I think you’ll see that an organized pup is a happy pup indeed.


Stuffed Animal

If your dog exudes a sense of kindness and empathy — all of which are key traits of a Libra — then consider getting them a cuddly stuffed animal to snuggle up with whenever they choose. After all, they prove to be great snugglers for you, so why not return the favor?


Teething Rope Toy

Dogs with a lot of pent-up energy and a very assertive personality could really benefit from this teething rope toy, which not only relieves boredom but can also be used as a great way to channel all of those intense emotions they tend to keep all bottled up, just like many Scorpios.


Bully Sticks

Though a Sagittarius can be captivating and witty, they also tend to not always think before they speak. And while your dog can’t technically speak (unless you know something I don’t), their mouthiness can be difficult in other ways — like on your nice carpets and furniture. That’s why it’s best to put that mouth to better use with some bully sticks that’ll keep them distracted and your house safe from harm.


Another Dog

Capricorns are extremely ambitious. They love being the boss and in control of any given situation. That’s what makes a second dog the perfect gift for your little pooch. Not only would it serve as a great playmate, but it’d make an excellent companion for your pup to boss around — but in a loving way, of course. After all, Capricorns may like to exude authority, but nothing is more important to them than family.


A New Dog Bed

If your pup, like a typical Aquarius, prefers independence and solitude over social functions, a new bed for relaxation and reflection is just what the proverbial doctor (dog-tor?) ordered. The Bedsure orthopedic dog bed offers great joint support for your canine companion and is also just super comfy — so much so that even you may be tempted to hop in there for a quick nap. The bed comes in various colors and sizes, making it the ultimate Fortress of Solitude for any breed.


A Watercolor Portrait

No soul out there emanates compassion and empathy more than a Pisces. They are extremely sensitive and emotional beings, which means they absolutely love a heartfelt gesture. And what better way to show your pet how much you care than by presenting them with a watercolor portrait of themselves? Could this possibly become more of a gift to you than your dog? Probably. But like any Pisces would agree with, it’s the thought that counts.

So go forth and let the dog holiday shopping commence!