Shailene Woodley & Aaron Rodgers Want To Be Disney Influencers I Guess?

Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers filmed a new interview about Disney and it’s… something
Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers are winning at love, y’all. So much that the recently engaged couple filmed what appears to be their first joint interview since announcing their betrothal.
Sitting in the third-best seating area at the luxe Grand Floridian Resort and Spa, Woodley and Rodgers sit down to what they refer to as a ‘Walt Disney World Minute.’ The couple patiently waits for a series of kind of awkward questions (and let’s hope a big check).
The masked couple settle into their chairs and await the unseen reporter’s questions with the same polite detachment one might have when they see their elementary school vice-principal at the gas station.
While answering the Star Wars-themed question ‘what color would your lightsabers be’, both chose blue – yet in a shocking turn of events, Woodley mused that she ‘would like to request a pink’ lightsaber, because pink is one of her favorite colors.
The interaction between the interviewer and her subjects maintains a familiar if somewhat uneasy peace as the pair field vacation-related questions.
Not allowing the fact that both admit they haven’t been to a Disney park in ages stop them, they went on to chat about their park preferences. When questioned about her favorite Disney park, Woodley says she loved Epcot because of the treats in each section-slash-countries of the park – and joked that her parents loved Epcot because and made a drinky drinky drinking motion with her hands.
The interviewer asks Woodley about her hat, a baseball cap with the words ‘Dog Dad’ on the front.
Appearing to not quite understand the question, Woodley says she has a ‘huge 95-pound dog – a German shepherd, who’s actually similar to Goofy.’ Rodgers laughs and adds that Woodley’s dog is a lap dog; a fact with which his fiance agrees. Neither the dog, his temperament, nor his Goofy-ness is brought up again. This is a missed opportunity, as the dog would have brought some pupper-related fun that is literally always welcome.
This segues into the most personal part of the interview, where the vlogger asks the Disney-loving couple about what makes them happy, and the couple answers that the other makes them happy. Which in and itself is nice, but an answer like cage fighting or making lil berets for ducks would’ve been a welcome surprise.
In the spirit of the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, Rodgers decides to go with the ABC, or always be closing, rule of putting himself into the running as a permanent replacement for the late Alex Trebek with his answer to the question “How do you unwind after a long day?”
Rodgers answer? “Jeopardy and a glass of Scotch.”
Get that game show host money, Rodgers!
The next question, ‘what is one thing you’re most proud of,’ brings an uncomfortable silence to the hotel common area turned entertainment set.
After a beat, Woodley leans over to place her hand on Rodgers’ knee and says with what appears to be zero sarcasm, “I’m really proud, baby, of how you make the bed in the morning. You’re really good at it.”
Rodgers returns the favor, telling his beloved, “And I’m really proud of your diligence with brushing your teeth.”
Fave films are next, as the pair share their favorite Disney soundtracks, citing Lion King, Aladdin, and The Little Mermaid as soundtracks they sing on repeat.
They end the interview by saying they plan to do ‘all the things’ at Disney, including ‘Star Wars, kissing in front of the Magic Kingdom, and eat all the food at Epcot.’
One imagines that after the pair stopped filming, they walked off into the Magic Kingdom, in search of a notary public to certify their love.
This article was originally published on