Serena Williams' Honest Post Is A Shout-Out To Working Moms

Raise your hand if you, too, look zoned out from Mom Exhaustion just like Serena Williams
Serena Williams may be in a class all her own on the tennis court, but when it comes to motherhood and all that goes with it, well, she’s relatable AF. Especially in her latest Instagram photo, where she’s holding her toddler daughter, Olympia, and sporting the type of look that can only be described as Mom’s Zoning Out Again. You know, because life.
“I am not sure who took this picture but working and being a mom is not easy,” Williams writes in the caption of the post. The photo itself looks like it could be of any of us, at any point throughout our days with our kids.
“I am often exhausted, stressed, and then I go play a professional tennis match,” she continues. “We keep going.” While most of us can’t say we do the mom thing and then go and excel at a professional sport, we can all recognize that working and mothering are extremely difficult to balance indeed. Work brings its own kind of stress and then you go home, tired from doing one job all day and then BAM, it’s time for job #2. The one that never stops.
Williams has been candid about her life as a mom and her immense love for her daughter, ever since Olympia was born. And tbh, we’re very much here for Serena Williams’ Relatable Content.
“Sometimes I have to throw my hands up in the air. #thismama used to have a living room. Now I just have a play room. When did that happen?” she wrote next to a picture of her Toy Explosion Extravaganza last year. And honestly, if your house doesn’t look like this (or worse, far worse, not naming any names here) are you even a mom?
The best part of Williams’ latest post, her ode to working moms everywhere, are the hashtags: “I am so proud and inspired by the women who do it day in and day out. I’m proud to be this baby’s mama @olympiaohanian. #nofilter #nomakeup #nohairbursh lol #justme.”
“No Hairbrush” is a great name for the memoir I’ll never have time to write. We love you, Serena Williams.
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