Selena Gomez Dispenses Some Solid Mental Health Advice During Home Tour

Selena Gomez walks us through her relaxing nighttime routine during the quarantine
During these times of global uncertainty, taking care of your mental health is more important than ever. Whether you needed that 9-5 routine to stay sane or your gym closure is making it hard to feel like your old self, we’re all having to adapt quickly to this new reality and set new routines for the pandemic era that focus on our overall wellness. Selena Gomez shared her home tour on Instagram with an emphasis on how she’s managing her mental health during the pandemic, and let’s just say — we’re taking notes.
“Right now, it is more important than ever to talk about mental health, which is a subject that is very personal to me,” Gomez shared in the video. “So, I’m asking you guys to take a break with me, and I’m going to show you some of the things that help me stay positive during this time and see if any of it resonates with you.”
Selena Gomez/Instagram
First up, the dreamy all-white couch in Gomez’s living room where she goes over her Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) books.
“Every single day, I’ll look at a worksheet or if there’s something I’m working on, internally, I’ll just kind of find a chapter that relates to me.”
Next she’ll work on something “creative” in her music room, though she emphasizes that she needs some days to simply do nothing. At night, Gomez gets into an extremely relaxing “unwinding routine” which involves face sprays, candles, and a heating pad.
“I usually take a walk at night because I can get rid of the day a bit. And then I come home, take a shower, wash my face, and then when I get into bed, my friends laugh at me, but I have a heating pad. It’s almost like an anxiety blanket. It feels really nice,” Gomez shared. “I will sometimes journal and I have these beautiful little face sprays, rosewater, a candle to help me as well. And then I have my little [dog] Daisy, and we just kind of get into bed. I turn off all my electronics and I just relax.”
Selena Gomez/Instagram
Her parting words?
“I obviously know this is a hard time, and I just want to let everybody know who’s dealing with stuff that you’re not alone at all.”