'Tis The Season For The Hell That Is The 'Man Cold'

The Man Cold is an affliction that strikes frequently this time of year. But its most unfortunate side effect doesn’t strike the afflicted themselves: it strikes the partners who have to deal with them. We’re plagued with extreme annoyance, increased agitation, and ocular muscle strain from all those hard eye rolls and sideways glares.
Because when we’re sick? We just get on with it.
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But when a dude is “suffering,” it looks kind of like this:
The fed-up, overburdened (yet still hilarious and witty) wives on Twitter have had plenty to say on the subject.
Because honestly, it’s such bullshit.
And when we shared these relatable tweets, the comment section lit up with readers’ own tales of Man Cold misery.
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While we keep on keepin’ on, despite whatever ails us, men are packing for their hospital stay.
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Which was confirmed by a legit professional.
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Because they always think they’ve come down with something super serious.
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And they never hesitate to (loudly) let us know exactly how dire their “condition” is.
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But all we can do is grit our teeth, because they actually have no idea.
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And for anyone who’s ever dealt with a household epidemic involving multiple Man Colds, well, we’re in awe of your patience with your “patients.”
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But for all the beleaguered wives in the Man Cold trenches, there are a few who never, ever have to worry about it.
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