70+ Popular Scottish Last Names That'll Make You Want To Get A Kilt
Bonus: They double as names for the wee bairn in your life.

Scottish last names are a great insight into the country’s rich history. Similar to Irish last names, their origins began with the Gaelic clan system that reigned the land. So there’s overlap between each country’s traditional surnames, but you can usually tell the differences by slight spelling variations. Scotland is more than its unique names, though. It is also a country dedicated to wisdom, justice, integrity, and compassion. It is filled with different nationalities and cultures and is socially committed to fairness and equality. In Scotland, diversity is considered a strength within their culture. In modern Scotland especially, they consider themselves to be a multi-belief and cultural country. The people of Scotland value respect for others and different practices and beliefs. Kindness and politeness are key to their social expectations as well.
Socially, Scots are considered very friendly, and humorous banter and sports talk are common. It’s also customary to invite someone over for tea or coffee or bring sweets for home visits. Scotland also has a huge appreciation for literature and graphic and performance art. The ability to tell a good and enticing story is viewed as a skill.
Scotland is clearly the country of positivity vibes only, so if you’ve ever wondered whether your last name has Scottish or Irish roots, we’ve got you covered! Take a look at our list of Scottish last names with their Scots Gaelic spellings and meanings.
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Common Scottish Last Names
1. MacGavin/MacGowan/Smith
Scottish spelling: Mac a’ Ghobhainn
Meaning: Son of the blacksmith.
2. Brown
Scottish spelling: Brùn
Meaning: The color brown, traditionally in reference to someone of dark hair or complexion.
3. MacNally/MacInally
Scottish spelling: Mac an Ollaimh
Meaning: Son of the learned man/son of the master poet.
4. Clark/MacClery/MacLerie
Scottish spelling: Mac a’ Chléirich
Meaning: Son of the clerk.
5. MacMillan
Scottish spelling: Maoileanach/Maolanach
Meaning: Son of the tonsure.
6. Buchanan
Scottish spelling: Buchanan/Buchannon/Buchanon
Meaning: House of the canon.
7. Walsh/Welsh
Scottish spelling: Breathnach
Meaning: Welshman.
8. Vass
Scottish spelling: Bhàsa
Meaning: Generally referring to a servant or serf, or death.
9. King/MacNee
Scottish spelling: Mac an Rìgh
Meaning: Son of the king.
10. Gordon
Scottish spelling: Gòrdan/Gòrdanach
Meaning: Large fortress.
11. Lennox
Scottish spelling: Leamhanach/Leamhnach
Meaning: Elm tree.
12. Blair
Scottish spelling: Blàr
Meaning: Plain or field.
13. Lees
Scottish spelling: Lìos
Meaning: Fields or pasture.
14. MacGill
Scottish spelling: Mac a’ Ghoill
Meaning: Son of the stranger.
15. Roy/Macanroy/Macinroy
Scottish spelling: Mac an Ruaidh
Meaning: Son of the red-haired.
16. MacCabe
Scottish spelling: MacCàba/Mac Aba
Meaning: Son of the helmeted warrior or son of the abbot.
17. Stewart
Scottish spelling: Stiùbhart
Meaning: Warden of the hall.
18. Wallace
Scottish spelling: Ualas
Meaning: Foreigner or Welshman.
19. Monroe/Munro
Scottish spelling: Rothach
Meaning: Man from the River Roe.
20. Cowan/MacCowan
Scottish spelling: MacCòmhain/MacEoghain
Meaning: Son of the yew tree.
21. Hunter
Scottish spelling: Mac an t-Sealgair
Meaning: Son of the hunter.
22. Fletcher
Scottish spelling: Mac an Fhleisteir
Meaning: Arrowsmith.
23. MacMaster
Scottish spelling: Mac a’ Mhaighstir
Meaning: Son of the cleric/master.
24. Gillies
Scottish spelling: Gilios/Gill’Iosa
Meaning: Servant of Jesus.
25. Brodie
Scottish spelling: Brothaigh
Meaning: Muddy place or steep place.
26. Cunningham
Scottish spelling: Coineagan
Meaning: Rabbit’s home.
27. Forbes
Scottish spelling: Foirbeis
Meaning: Field or district.
28. MacDuff
Scottish spelling: Mac Dhuibh/Dubhach
Meaning: Son of the black-haired.
29. Currie
Scottish spelling: Curraigh/Mac’Uirigh
Meaning: Marshland.
30. Bowie
Scottish spelling: Buidheach
Meaning: Yellow or fair-haired.
31. Abercrombie
Scottish spelling: Abarcrumbach
Meaning: Confluence of rivers at a bend, or mouth of the bendy river.
32. Alexandar/Alexander
Scottish spelling: MacAlasdair
Meaning: Protector of mankind.
33. Cameron
Scottish spelling: Cambeul
Meaning: Crooked mouth.
34. Findlay
Scottish spelling: Fionnlagh
Meaning: Fair hero.
35. MacAdam
Scottish spelling: MacAdam
Meaning: Son of Adam.
36. MacAlpine
Scottish spelling: MacAilpein
Meaning: Son of Alpin, or son of the blonde one.
37. MacDougall
Scottish spelling: MacDhugaill, Mac Dubhghaill
Meaning: Son of Dougal, dark stranger.
38. McLeish
Scottish spelling: Mac Gille Iosa, Gillies
Meaning: Son of the servant of Jesus.
39. Ferguson
Scottish spelling: Macfhearghus
Meaning: Son of the angry one.
40. Docherty
Scottish spelling: O’Dochartaigh
Meaning: Hurtful or obstructive.
41. McCaskill/MacAskill
Scottish spelling: MacAsgaill
Meaning: Cauldron of sacrifice to the gods.
42. MacCallum/McCallum
Scottish spelling: Mac Gille Chalium
Meaning: Son of the servant of Columbia (with Columbia meaning “dove”).
43. MacLinktock
Scottish spelling: Mac Gille Fhiondaig
Meaning: Son of the servant of Saint Findon.
44. MacFadyen/MacFadden
Scottish spelling: Mac Phaiden
Meaning: Son of little Patrick.
45. MacFie/McPhee
Scottish spelling: Mac Duibshithe
Meaning: Son of Dubshithe (with Duibshithe meaning “dark peace”).
46. Aird
Scottish spelling: Àird
Meaning: Foreigner or Welshman.
47. Aitchison/Atkinson/Addison
Scottish spelling: Atzinson
Meaning: Red earth.
48. Gale
Scottish spelling: Gail
Meaning: A flock of geese.
49. Gallacher
Scottish spelling: Gallchobhair/Gallchobhar
Meaning: Foreign help.
50. Haggan
Scottish spelling: Hagen
Meaning: Youthful one.
51. Ainsley
Scottish spelling: Ainsleigh
Meaning: One’s own meadow, alone, solitary, woodland, or clearing.
52. Calhoun
Scottish spelling: Colquhoun
Meaning: Nook or corner.
53. Cruickshank
Scottish spelling: Colquhoun
Meaning: Bent leg or hook.
54. Cummins
Scottish spelling: Cunmin/Cumin/Comyn
Meaning: Bent or crooked.
55. Douglas
Scottish spelling: Dubhghlas
Meaning: Dark river, water, or grey, green.
56. Drummond
Scottish spelling: Drumainn/Druim
Meaning: Ridge.
57. Lennox
Scottish spelling: Leamhnachd
Meaning: Place of elms.
58. Bathgate
Scottish spelling: Bathket
Meaning: Habitational name from a place in West Lothian.
59. Abernathy
Scottish spelling: Abirnethie
Meaning: Originating from Abernethy in southeastern Perthshire. The surname is of Pictish origin, meaning ‘mouth of the river Nethy’.
60. Ancrum
Scottish spelling: Alncromb
Meaning: Name originating from a place in Roxburghshire.
61. Harrower
Scottish spelling: Cliathadh
Meaning: A person who harrowed cultivated land.
62. Haxton
Scottish spelling: Haxton
Meaning: A name for someone from Lothiam, originally Hawkerton (land owned by king’s falconer).
63. Acheson
Scottish spelling: Atkinson
Meaning: Son of Atkin.
64. Allaway
Scottish spelling: Allaway
Meaning: From a Scottish place name, derived from alla, meaning “wild,” and mhagh, meaning “field.”
65. Barclay
Scottish spelling: Barkeley
Meaning: One’s own meadow, solitary, or clearing.
66. Bell
Scottish spelling: Bel
Meaning: Someone who comes from a family who made bells or rang church bells.
67. Black
Scottish spelling: Ciaran
Meaning: Dark hair or skin.
68. Blackwood
Scottish spelling: Blackwode
Meaning: Someone who is from the Blackwood region of Scotland.
69. Boyce
Scottish spelling: Boece
Meaning: Wood or the last name of a family who lives near the woods.
70. Bran
Scottish spelling: McBrain
Meaning: Raven.
71. Braid
Scottish spelling: Mac an Bhreitheamham
Meaning: People who are from Braid in South Edinburgh.
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