Sarah Jessica Parker Is NOT Having A Tabloid's Bullsh*t Story About Her Marriage

Sarah Jessica Parker was asked to comment on fake news, so she commented on fake news
You all know Sarah Jessica Parker: Sex and the City star, shoe designer, style icon in general. You also know her husband of (just shy of) 22 years, fellow actor Matthew Broderick. The two are celebrating their anniversary this weekend, and to mark the occasion, they’ve been in London together, enjoying each other’s company like married people tend to do.
Only, according to The National Enquirer, a tabloid and thoroughly unreliable news source, Parker and Broderick got into a loud, public fight. I mean, whatever, even if it were true, fights happen between couples and it’s no one else’s business. But the publication sent Parker an email asking them to comment on this made up news about her life, and rather than give them the time of day (as she rightfully should not), she chose to put their frankly ridiculous inquiry on blast by posting a screenshot to Instagram.
After saying what we all could have guessed, that the story is false, Parker went on to shame the Inquirer for feeding into bullshit rumors like this one, when it could use its platform to do something positive instead.
“Hey National Enquirer and your sister publications, why not celebrate a marriage of 22 years and relationship of 27 years? Because, despite your endless harassment and wasted ink, we are nearing 3 decades of love, commitment, respect, family and home,” she wrote. “There’s your ‘scoop’ from a ‘reliable source.'”
Amen, SJP!
It’s nothing new that a tabloid is spreading trashy rumors of questionable veracity about a celebrity. That’s kind of what they do. But we can definitely see why this has gotten old, and Sarah Jessica Parker has no patience left for dealing with it. Also, look at the way she gushes about her husband. Yes, they seem miserable.
Even if what the Inquirer was reporting was true, why is it news? Literally all married couples fight sometimes, and this particular married couple being made up of two actors doesn’t make that fact less true, or more interesting.
And the way they reached out to her for comment is just… icky. The “To Whom It May Concern” at the top of the email. The deadline to respond with comment on her own life. The assumption that, whatever comment she may give, it will make any difference. They’re basically saying, “We’re going to report this lie about you and your husband, please say something about it so we can make the whole thing (and ourselves) seem more credible.” So gross.
Yes, celebrities choose a profession that means they have to live their lives a little more publicly than the majority of us. But does that grant anyone license to treat them like this? It absolutely should not. Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, and all other celebrities should be able to live their lives without magazines sending them threatening emails and then spreading trashy lies about them.
Oh, and SJP, congrats on your 22-year marriage. That’s an amazing accomplishment, and if the Inquirer won’t recognize that, we sure will. Happy anniversary.