Sarah Hyland Slams Plastic Surgery Rumors On Twitter

Modern Family star takes to Twitter to slam plastic surgery rumors
Women are constantly under scrutiny for the way they look — and famous women feel this pain the most. Being in the public eye is not easy for women. Sarah Hyland has responded to rumors about her looks before, and because the internet can be an awful place, she’s being forced to do it again this week.
Hyland took to twitter to slam a magazine that published an entire article on whether or not the star had plastic surgery done. Yes, it must be a slow news week.
“This makes me so mad,” Hyland tweeted about Life and Style’s article titled, “Did Sarah Hyland Get Plastic Surgery? — See the ‘Modern Family’ Star Before and After!”
“Sarah Hyland plastic surgery rumors are taking over the Internet — and before and after photos of the Modern Family star have fans convinced she went under the knife,” the article read before they got wind of Hyland’s viral tweet. They since updated it to say she hasn’t had plastic surgery, but it’s still not much better.
To have doctors give their opinion ON MY FACE is absolutely ridiculous and degrading,” Hyland tweeted. “Fuck off.” Sarah has struggled with kidney dysplasia since she was a child. She underwent a kidney transplant in 2012. This isn’t the first time she’s had to respond to rumors about her looks.
“I’ve had the worst medical year of my life and to create an entire article surrounding the question of if I’ve had plastic surgery is the MOST insulting thing,” Hyland wrote. “You have no idea what I have been through… People like you are the reason why young girls feel the need to alter their face.”
She then adds, “My face has been altered by LIFE SAVING medication. Take your ‘journalism’ and use it for some good FOR ONCE.”
Hyland has addressed rumors about her looks in the past, and is obviously fucking sick of it, as she should be. Over the summer she addressed rumors that she had an eating disorder. “I haven’t had the greatest year,” she began. “Maybe one day I’ll talk about it, but for now I’d like my privacy. I will say that this year brought a lot of changes and with that, physical changes. I have been told I can’t work out. Which, for me, is very upsetting. I am an activist for activity (and for eating junk food in bed but it’s all about balance, right?). I love to be outdoors. I love to be STRONG. (I’ll be using that word a lot.) Strength is everything. Being strong has gotten me where I am. Both mentally and physically. I am not a fan of ‘being skinny.’ Which many of you have told me that I am too much of.”
Hyland is such a strong woman. And imagine how hard it would be to not only be battling an illness, but be forced to answer to stupid questions about the way that you look while you do it? And even in the midst of dealing with ridiculous rumors, she still manages to be an inspiration to young women, everywhere.
“My self confidence is not rendered from your comments,” she wrote after being accused of being “too skinny.” “Because I will always be too fat. I will always be too skinny. I will never have enough curves to be called a woman. And I will always be a slut for wearing a push up bra. Love the you you set out to be. Be the best version of yourself. Be healthy.”