Ryan Reynolds And Blake Lively Hilariously Troll Each Other For Valentine's Day

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds bring us the A+ Valentine’s Day content we need, tbh
No offense, but most of us will take a hard pass on the token “love my Valentine!” posts from the holiday weekend. Not because we hate love, but because they’re generic. Or maybe because Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are a master class example of how to properly troll the person you love on the holiday about love. So yeah, our expectations are high.
The couple shared social media posts on Sunday where they trolled each other on Instagram. Each post featured a photo and a video of their significant other, and they absolutely live up to the Lively-Reynolds trollings of holidays past.
“My forever valentine for the foreseeable future,” Reynolds wrote on Instagram, along with a video of Lively enjoying a snow day on a sled.
Not gonna lie, watching Blake Lively sled ride with that wide-eyed look of wonder on her face is pretty dang endearing.
Meanwhile, Lively honored her husband in her own way, by sharing a video of Reynolds working hard as her personal hair colorist — presumably at some point during the pandemic-related lockdown.
And tbh, he looks like he knows his way around a bowl and a brush! Wives everywhere are swooning at the mere thought of their husbands being able to properly touch up their roots. Flowers be damned, we need some highlights!
The caption is pretty great, too: “That time I f*d my hairdresser.” LOL.
Lively and Reynolds have been married since 2012 and are the proud parents of three girls. They’re also social media experts, especially compared to other celebrities who reluctantly use social media for project promotions or to let us all know they still party on private islands during the pandemic while still pretending to take it soooo seriously.
The insanely gorgeous couple have a long, well-documented history of trolling each other. Some of Reynolds’ best work would be for Blake’s birthday in 2019, where he posted a series of several photos of his wife, who is easily in the top fraction of a percent of most beautiful humans on earth, caught completely off-guard and not at the top of her game.
Most recently, however, Lively posted a hilarious (and thirsty) tribute to her husband for his birthday back in October. Or a tribute to his arms, rather.
Instagram/Blake Lively
And she revealed that Reynolds isn’t a birthday cake kind of guy in a very funny follow-up post.
“1) Who is the lost soul that selects birthday PIE. 2) What ANIMAL eats their cake (pie) without first blowing out the candles. @vancityreynolds that’s who,” she wrote alongside a photo of Reynolds grinning into his pie. “Happy Birthday. I honestly can’t believe we’re still married.”
Can’t wait to see how these two celebrate ever holiday and birthday forever and ever, tbh.
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