Ryan Reynolds Says ‘Happy Birthday’ To Blake Lively By Sharing A Bunch Of Unflattering Pics Of Her

Ryan Reynolds trolls Blake Lively on her birthday by sharing a bunch of great pics of himself and not-so-great pics of her
When two of the literal hottest humans on planet earth are married, you’d just expect a whole lot of hotness at all times, right? Like they would just constantly (and rightfully) flaunt how freakishly good-looking they are and nothing but incredibly flattering photos of them would exist.
Except when you’re Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds.
The Hollywood super couple has become known for their hilarious, prank-like social media shoutouts to each other on their birthdays, and this year is no exception. Lively turned 32 yesterday, and in honor of the momentous occasion, Reynolds took to Instagram to give her a birthday tribute like only he can. He kept the caption simple: “Happy Birthday, @blakelively.”
But inside the post? A bunch of just frankly bad photos of his stunningly gorgeous wife. It seems otherworldly hotness is sometimes just no match for a terrible camera angle or an off-guard moment. If you’re mid-word and your mouth is hanging open, even if you’re Blake Lively, you’re going to look a little goofy. Ok, a lot goofy.
Likewise, if the person holding the phone camera doesn’t hold it at the right height, half your face will get cut off and you’ll look like this.
Ryan Reynolds/Instagram
Eyes at half mast isn’t really a look anyone can pull off, as this shot so handily proves.
Ryan Reynolds/Instagram
Real quick pause to remember that he once shared a photo with Lively partly cut off to wish her a happy birthday. This year’s trolling is several steps beyond that.
And months later, Lively got him back in the best way possible. These two are no amateurs.
Anyway, back to this year.
The fact that she’s very pregnant with their third child in some of these pics is just icing on the prank cake, TBH. The last thing any hormonal pregnant woman needs is the entire world seeing the only unflattering photos of her in existence.
Ryan Reynolds/Instagram
Here he is handsomely disheveled in what appears to be a costume party snap while Lively struggles with arm placement and makes an inadvertent derp face.
Ryan Reynolds/Instagram
He saved some serious doozies of his wife, some not even in focus.
Ryan Reynolds/Instagram
And some were just.. OMG. Poor Blake.
Ryan Reynolds/Instagram
Ryan Reynolds, you are either a very brave man — or a very stupid one.
Ryan Reynolds/Instagram
Can we also take a moment to point out that there are no truly bad photos of Blake Lively. This is all just bad timing, bad angles, a bad photographer (looking at you, Ryan) and maybe a couple of silly faces. This woman is gorgeous and that’s probably why her husband can get away with showing the whole internet her less-than-camera-ready side as part of a righteous birthday prank.
Ryan Reynolds/Instagram
The thought of Reynolds spending the entire past year carefully saving pics that any husband who wants to live to see another day would delete instantly is just the most Ryan Reynolds thing ever, and once Lively is done being mortified, she will probably die laughing just like we are.
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