Rihanna Is Trying To Bring Back Skinny Eyebrows And No One Is Having It

Rihanna is like a living style Bible, but embracing skinny eyebrows is taking things too far
Some people in this world just have a certain amount of influence over our style choices. One of those people is Rihanna. In Rihanna We Trust™. Except Rihanna’s power has clearly been her undoing. Rihanna has flown too close to the sun. Rihanna has embraced skinny eyebrows, and no, we’re not OK.
Without saying a single word, RiRi made her decree.
On Instagram, she posted her September cover of Vogue. Draped in flowers, sporting a high-gloss, vampy dark lip, she looks glorious. Except for one major detail: her brows. They are pencil-thin, like spider legs affixed to her face. Somewhere in the distance, a Furby’s high-pitched laugh rings out, because the worst parts of the ’90s are apparently back to haunt us. What’s next, Rihanna? Frosted tips? Chunky highlights? God forbid, low rise jeans?!
Hold me.
As it should be, the entire internet is *shewk* over this news.
Rihanna has always been the ruler of our eyebrows. She’s the one who told us to wear them bold and thick. She told us to bleach them, so we tried that for like, a second. And now, she has told us to tweeze and pencil them until they’re mere ghosts of their former selves. We can resist, but in the end we will obey. What Rihanna giveth, Rihanna hath taken away.
But considering the state of the world, maybe this is just the logical next step. We allowed plastic pollution to wreck our oceans. We can’t manage to do a single thing about gun control, even as children are killed in their classrooms on a frighteningly regular basis. We elected Donald Trump to the presidency. Maybe skinny eyebrows are all we deserve right now. And in that case, all we can do is to take our punishment and try and learn from it.
This article was originally published on