28 Reasons Kids Are Awesome

1. They make friends fast. “Do you want to play?” That’s it. As adults, it’s much more difficult to form a relationship so quickly. Unless you are in a bar at closing time.
2. They don’t hold grudges. Sure, little kids fight. But when it’s over, it’s over. This is why “Real Housewives” doesn’t revolve around the lives of a bunch of four year olds.
3. They go with their gut. Small children don’t fret over whether they made the right decision. They’d much prefer to spend time fretting over whether you gave them the right color cup.
4. They live in the moment. They don’t dwell in the past. They don’t worry about the future – unless they are being told that it’s bedtime.
5. They make stuff. They draw. They glue. They paint. They cut anything they can get their hands on. Seriously, keep your scissors hidden and don’t say you weren’t warned.
6. They say what they mean. They don’t need to get anything off their chests because they’ve already said everything. If adults did that, there would be a lot less drinking at Thanksgiving.
7. They get excited. Little children can find spectacular in the mundane. Two-year-olds have been known to cheer for clothes in a washing machine the way most people would a favorite sport’s team.
8. They don’t discriminate. Until taught otherwise, they’re accepting of everyone. Well, everyone except babies. The number one insult from a small child is being called a “baby.”
9. They admit when they’re scared. This lets us help them alleviate their fears. They also admit when they’re mad. Hell hath no fury like a three-year-old who discovers that you’re out of string cheese.
10. They accept compliments. When you give a child a compliment, she’ll probably answer, “I know.”
11. They’re not afraid to make mistakes. Which is why crayons don’t need erasers.
12. They march to the beat of their own drum. Literally. Little kids can often be found marching around the house banging on things.
13. They appreciate the little things. Maybe it’s because they are little things. They appreciate the big things too. Nobody loves a dinosaur as much as a preschooler.
14. They trust. That said, small children are also incredibly gullible. If you told a child you invented the s’more, they’d believe you.
15. They laugh. Out loud and often.
16. They ask questions. “Why aren’t bananas juicy?” “How did the first person who made pancakes know how to make pancakes?” “How did the baby get into your tummy?”
17. They play. And they don’t do it because it will look good on their résumés.
18. They don’t mind getting dirty. (You might, but they don’t.)
19. They’re uninhibited. They’ll dress themselves in fairy wings, a tutu and galoshes to go to the grocery store. Once there, they’ll skip down the cereal aisle. Having a kid is probably a lot like living with Zooey Deschanel.
20. They don’t care about price tags. Prada. Gucci. Armani. They don’t care about the name on the label. They just don’t want the label to be scratchy.
21. They’re cheap dates. Sure, you can take them to the zoo. But, you can also take them out back to look at squirrels.
22. They’re funny. Sometimes on purpose.
23. They see the best in people. It’s unclear at what age most of us become cynical, but it’s not when we are in preschool.
24. They’re determined. When there is something they want, they’ll stop at nothing to get it. They will call your name 20 times to get your attention if you’re on the phone. And, you know what? It works.
25. They say, “I love you.” And they don’t wait for someone else to say it first.
26. They think outside the box. They also play inside the box. And with bubble wrap too.
27. They love to help. Of course, the problem is they’re not always very good at it. But, they sure love doing it.
28. They’re good at keeping secrets. Okay. Just kidding. They’re actually terrible at keeping secrets. They’re the worst secret keepers EVER. But, hey, they’re just kids. They can’t be good at everything.
Related post: 13 Things My Husband Can Learn From My Toddler
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