'Real Housewives' Viewers Have Spoken: It's Time To Take Down Tamra
Did we just witness the start of the takedown of Tamra Judge on Real Housewives of Orange County?
This week’s episode of Real Housewives of Orange County was messy. Not “Kathy with a microphone during the fashion show showdown” messy, but “holy crap, we might just be witnessing the start of the takedown of Tamra Judge, and, honestly, it’s about time” messy.
To start, we had to sit through a lot of “she said-she said” B.S. During a lunch with Kelly Dodd, Tamra and Shannon Beador gaslight Braunwyn Windham-Burke over the phone and lie to Kelly’s face about who brought up the rumor at Vicki Gunvalson’s birthday tea party about her alleged bar fight. And in this moment, all RHOC fans bonded as we collectively rolled our eyes at Tamra’s incessant stirring of the pot.
The episode wasn’t strictly the Tamra show, though.
You might remember earlier in the season when Emily weighed herself and Tamra and her husband Eddie call her obese on camera (when she’s absolutely not). It was a problematic, upsetting segment watching Emily burst into tears over a number on a scale. Well, this week, we watched Emily open up one more time about her weight. While at dinner, she and her husband Shane ordered their respective meals; Emily substitutes her risotto for asparagus, while Shane decides it’d be a great idea to order a side of French fries. He also picks up the bread bowl and wafts it in her direction. “I need not jokes; I need support,” Emily says, adding that she thinks she and Shane need to go back to couple’s therapy.
And while many viewers agree Shane is a jackass, Emily doesn’t feel the same way. She said in an After Show interview on Bravo TV that “Shane gets a bad rap.”
“Can he be a jerk? Absolutely. We’ve been married 11 years, so obviously there’s more to Shane this this one-dimensional character,” she said. Then, it cuts to Braunwyn, who revealed that Shane once asked her off-camera, “Are you really this dumb?” Eesh.
RHOC viewers may not agree with Emily about Shane, but what many, if not most can agree with Emily on is that Tamra is at the center of a lot of the conflicts amongst the women.
During the last 15 minutes of the episode, she, Shannon, Braunwyn, and Kelly met up dinner to discuss all the rumors. And it quickly became clear to viewers: This was the start of Tamra’s takedown.
In another After Show interview posted on Bravo TV following the episode, Tamra addressed the take-down scene.
“Kelly does what Kelly does and goes and just blasts me,” she says.
During the dinner, Kelly told Shannon that Tamra said she’s gaining weight, to which Shannon, during the After Show interview, said incredulously, “Like, what? What?! This is my best friend. We’re like sisters!”
“What she does is she hits the beehive and she runs,” Kelly then says. “So, if you watch the past 14 seasons, she has a habit of doing that.”
“She has an agenda. She makes everyone look bad but herself,” Emily adds.
Emily and co., it’s finally time: Take. Tamra. Down.
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