Sarah Benedict

Sarah has spent her career finding the intersections between community work, teaching, and writing. She has her BA in English from Elon University and her MFA in Creative Writing from Rutgers University. She’s taught English and journalism at the high school and college level and has spent her years outside of the classroom working in education-related nonprofits. She’s passionate about the power of stories in creating connection and understanding.

As Sarah gets older, it is becoming more and more evident to her that the secret to adulthood seems to be that no one really knows what they’re doing. That being said, without any instruction manual, she is currently doing her best to raise her three year old son and five year old daughter. Sarah prefers being by water despite her pale skin, she enjoys to cook despite her children not particularly enjoying her cooking, She loves to travel despite how exhausting it is to do so with kids, she enjoys hiking despite occasionally having existential why does one hike? Moments, and she likes to garden despite her lacking a green thumb. She’s a certified yoga instructor who could use a little more savasana in her life. Plentiful coffee, cheese plates, cute dog videos, and farmer’s markets make her particularly happy.

Sarah lives in Atlanta with her family who provides her with an endless amount of writing material. To read more of her writing, subscribe to her newsletter at Charmingly Chaotic and follow her on Instagram @​​charmingly.chaotic

childhood bliss

What If I Stopped Trying To Make Summer Magic?

BySarah Benedict

Instead, I’m gonna put my feet up and drink an iced tea.

a little bit softer now

Actually, I’m Really Cool When My Kids Aren’t Around

BySarah Benedict

These days I’m mostly talking potty-training methods.