Kelly Faircloth

Kelly Faircloth is the executive editor at Scary Mommy, where she commissions freelance pieces; if you’ve got a story you’d like to share, pitch her here! She’d love to hear from you.

Previously, Kelly spent 8 years at, where she wrote the site’s popular Royal Tea column — why yes, that IS Hampton Court Palace in the background of her headshot — and was a senior editor commissioning pieces on books, history, and culture. In her long tenure at the site she also wrote about romance novels, body image, HGTV, American consumer culture, and history, as well as one ridiculously viral post about how medieval people walked. (She still doesn’t understand why so many people clicked on that one.) She started her career at Inc. Magazine and The New York Observer, and she has written for publications including Dwell and Curbed.

A graduate of Harvard University, she grew up in Georgia between a river and a railroad and has a frankly unnerving number of anecdotes about growing up in a swamp. She currently lives in New York with her husband, kindergarten-age daughter (unclear how her daughter is already a kindergartener), and one extremely large and surly cat who sits next to her while she works and makes threatening noises at birds. She has a lot of questions about the world-building in Paw Patrol and can most often be found at the local library, trying to turn her kid into a reader of sword-and-sorcery fantasy novels, a project that is going very well.

For more, her LinkedIn page is here.

What... Is... This?

So Your Kid Has A Gross Rash Around Their Mouth. What Do You Do?

By Kelly Faircloth

From a mom who’s been there.


Actually, Socks Are An Amazing Christmas Gift

By Kelly Faircloth

Here’s 12 of our faves to get you started.

must follows

Meredith Masony Gets It, Because She’s Been There Too

By Kelly Faircloth

“I really hope that every person who's ever met me was like, ‘Oh yeah, that's the same bitch. Same person.’”


My Kid Is So Proud Of Her Halloween Decor. There’s Just One Rather Lewd Problem.

By Kelly Faircloth

Yet another parenting discussion I was unprepared for.

let's catch up

15 TV Shows You Probably Missed Because, Well, You're Busy

By Kelly Faircloth

There's so many years of streaming shows to choose from — so here are some of our faves.

choose your fighter

TikTok Has All Sorts Of Seasonal Vibes. What's Yours?

By Kelly Faircloth

Choose your social media-approved autumnal aesthetic.

hey nonny nonny

There’s Truly Nothing Quite Like A Renaissance Faire

By Kelly Faircloth

It’s a perfect day out (as long as you’ve got the patience for traffic and parking).

moms we love

Ceci Kane Can’t Believe How Wild The Mom Groups Get, Either

By Kelly Faircloth

The Instagram personality has seen some stuff, too.


I Love My Grumpy Barn Cat & So Does My Kid

By Kelly Faircloth

Is he cuddly? No. Is he a great cat for a kid? Sure is.

romantasy vibes

9 TV Shows To Stream If You Love ACOTAR

By Kelly Faircloth

Looking for something... or somebody... in the vein of the Bat Boys? Try these TV shows, available to stream now.

must follows

Mary Hendricks Just Wants To Have Some Fun With It

By Kelly Faircloth

@theverymarylife talks about the transition from two to three kids, explaining the internet to her daughter, and her favorite comfort TV.


This One Parenting Milestone Really Caught Me By Surprise

By Kelly Faircloth

I skipped the fight and just let her pack her own damn suitcase.

let's read!

8 Romance Novels Where The Protagonists Aren't 25

By Kelly Faircloth

Let's face it, by the time you're middle-aged, you've got lots of plot-driving baggage.

add to tbr

8 Books To Read If You Like ‘Bridgerton’... And Magic

By Kelly Faircloth

Gentle reader, it’s time to incorporate sorcerers into your reading diet.

yes yes yes

Your Queer Historical Romance Of The Summer Is You Should Be So Lucky

By Kelly Faircloth

“I think romance is often the fantasy of being seen for exactly who you are and being loved for it, right?” says author Cat Sebastian.

let's goooo

13 Fantasy Books For Dragon-Obsessed Kids

By Kelly Faircloth

Honestly, what could be better?

Love 2 see it

Taylor Wolfe Is Just Trying To Laugh It Off Like The Rest Of Us

By Kelly Faircloth

@thedailytay on toddlerhood, blogging back in the day, and saving the snacks ‘til the kids go to bed.

i'm telling you

I Fixed My Mornings With One Simple Trick: A Hook For My Damn Keys

By Kelly Faircloth

One little tweak makes all the difference.

book lovers

15 Accessories For Ultimate Summer Reading Joy

By Kelly Faircloth

Because you’d really rather be reading right now.


Dave Ogleton Talks Dad Jokes, Youth Sports, & Parenting Every Stage From Teens To Toddlers

By Kelly Faircloth

A chat with @FitDadCEO.