Prince Harry's Talks With His Dad And Brother Are Apparently Not Going Well

Prince Harry has spoken with his family and it’s not going that well
Since Meghan Markle and Prince Harry interview with Oprah, many are wondering how things have been between the Sussex’s and the Royal Family and according to Gayle King, who spoke with Meghan and Harry over the weekend, the answer is “not well.”
During their interview, Meghan and Harry revealed that someone in the Palace had concerns over the skin color of Meghan and Harry’s future children, the Palace also did nothing to help Meghan with her mental health when she told them she was suicidal, and the Royal Family acted like their hands were tied when Meghan asked them to stop the U.K. tabloids from running false, and often racially-motivated, articles about her. Harry likened their experience to being senior members of the royal family as being “trapped.”
Since the Oprah interview, The Queen claims that the family is shocked by the allegations and Prince William denied that they are “a racist family.” To put it mildly, things aren’t great between Prince Harry and his estranged family as Harry has called Prince Charles and Prince William and things aren’t as rosy as many had hoped.
Gayle King, who called Harry and Meghan over the weekend, said on CBS This Morning that “Harry has talked to his brother, and he has talked to his father, too. The word I was given was those conversations were not productive but they are glad they have at least started a conversation.”
A hunch for this communication break down is that amid the Royal Family’s protestations about not being racist and being shocked to learn of Meghan’s misery, there are still U.K. tabloid articles currently circulating about how Meghan bullied her staff members in 2018. For starters, the Royal Family could get the tabloids to stop publishing these new false stories.
“I think what is still upsetting to them is the Palace keeps saying they want to work it out privately, but yet they believe these false stories are coming out that are very disparaging against Meghan still,” Gayle said. “No one in the royal family has talked to Meghan yet at this particular time. And I think it’s frustrating for them to see that it’s a racial conversation about the royal family when all they wanted all along was for the royals to intervene and tell the press to stop with the unfair, inaccurate, false stories that definitely have a racial slant. And until you can acknowledge that, I think it’s going to be hard to move forward.”
According to King, the royals have notably not spoken to Meghan yet, only Harry.
“They are glad that they have at least started a conversation,” King said. “…They both want to move forward with this. They want healing in this family. At the end of the day, it’s Harry’s family.”