1 In 3 American Families Struggle To Afford Diapers. Here's How To Help
President Obama issues a call to help end diaper need
There are a lot of families financially struggling in our country, that’s no secret. But do you ever stop to think about what “struggling” really looks like for households? One in three American families exhibit something called “diaper need.” Simply put, they struggle to afford enough diapers.
Today, the White House issued a call to help “expand access to affordable diapers for America’s poorest families.” Online retailers like Jet.com, diaper manufacturers like Huggies, and non profits are partnering to expand access to diapers for Americans in need.
After President Obama’s call to help families, Huggies responded in a big way. They will be donating 22 million free diapers to the National Diaper Bank Network. Huggies’ parent company Kimberly-Clark has been working to help with diaper need for years. In 2010 the company became the founding sponsor of the NDBN and has since donated more than 160 million diapers. “We are pleased to see the issue is receiving national attention from the White House and will continue to do our part as a leader in the effort to combat diaper need,” said Giusy Buonfantino, president of Kimberly-Clark baby and child care North America.
For every diaper donated through Huggies Rewards from now until April 10, Huggies will match those donations up to 1 million, which could result in a total potential 2016 donation of 24 million diapers to babies in need.
If you don’t use Huggies diapers, there are other ways to get involved.
— Spread the word using #DiaperGap along your social media channels.
— Find a diaper bank near you to donate.
— Sign up to become a diaper distributor. If you are part of a non-profit, your company may be eligible to enroll in Jet.com’s Community Diaper Program and purchase Cuties Economy Plus Packs at a discounted rate to distribute to families in need. If you are not part of a non-profit, Cuties Economy Plus Packs will be available for everyone to purchase on Jet in late April.
“We want every child to grow, thrive, and reach their full potential,” says the White House press release regarding diaper need. “We can make that possible by harnessing the tools of this new economy to serve all Americans, because no family should have to choose between keeping their babies healthy and keeping the lights or heat on.”
This article was originally published on