15 Preschool Songs Perfect for Every Occasion

YouTube — it’s got a little bit of everything, doesn’t it? Exercise? Check. How to fix your clogged sink? Check. Relatable vlogs from moms like yourself? Check. Funny cat videos? Check check! Preschool songs? Yesssss… so many! YouTube isn’t just for the adults in the household. Nope. They’ve got plenty of kid-friendly content as well (gotta love the internet). You’ll find songs to entertain, educate, motivate, and invigorate your preschooler. So, yeah, go ahead and consider YouTube a go-to parenting resource.
There’s nothing quite like the power of music — no matter your age. If you’ve got a little one, you know what we mean. Some of the most priceless family bonding takes place when everyone is dancing together to a silly song. The right song can quickly turn the tide when a toddler is mid-tantrum. Social skills can be introduced and reinforced to the beat of a catchy tune. And the building blocks of academic development are easily learned by repetition and rhyme.
Of course, the other thing about YouTube is that there are seemingly endless videos. So, to save you some time, we put together a list of the best preschool songs for every age and stage.
Preschool Songs for Circle Time
Good morning songs for circle time are perfect for getting the day started with preschoolers. Whether you homeschool or you’re teaching a class of kids ages three to five, circle time is an integral part of your day. This is a great time to introduce both academic and social skills that will benefit your child both now and in the years to come. There’s no better way to teach those skills than through song. Here are some songs that make a great addition to your circle time routine.
1. “Alphabet Song” — Have Fun Teaching
The alphabet is filled
With consonants and vowels We write them; we read them Each letter makes a sound Well, we start with ABC We go all the way to Z The letters of the alphabet Are fun for you and me A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Continue…
2. “Let’s Learn Our Numbers 0-10” — Jack Hartmann
3. “The Story of My Feelings” — The Laurie Berkner Band
This is the story of when I cry
When I’m feeling sad, that’s when I cry And it makes me feel better It makes me feel better You know I feel better After I cry Continue…
4. “How’s the Weather?” — Super Simple Songs
How’s the weather? How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today? Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it cloudy? Is it snowy? How’s the weather today? Continue…
5. “Shape Song” — The Kiboomers
In this song let’s practise drawing shapes in the air
OK what shape should we start with Squares A square is a shape just like a box It’s made with four straight lines There are squares everywhere Are there any that you can find A square has 4 sides Every square has four sides A square has four sides One two three and four That was amazing Continue…
Preschool Songs for Movement
Like a morning routine for school, movement is an important part of any child’s day. Movement not only helps motor development, but it also helps brain development. Given that parents are busy nowadays, it isn’t always easy to get our kids outside as much as we’d like. And don’t even get us started on how tricky social distancing guidelines make typical movement-based preschool activities (think “Duck, Duck, Goose” with classmates). That’s where YouTube comes in. It’s easy to take “brain breaks” throughout the day to help your little one get moving. These videos also come in handy when the weather isn’t cooperating and getting to the playground is a no-go. Here are a few excellent songs to get your kiddo moving.
1. “Let’s Star Jump” — Debbie Doo Kids TV
Let’s star jump, let’s starjump
Let’s star jump, let’s starjump Let’s star jump, let’s starjump To this song Continue…
2. “Boom Chicka Boom” — Go Noodle
Boom Chicka Boom (repeat)
I said Boom Chicka Boom (repeat) I said Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom (repeat) Oh Yeah! (repeat) Uh Huh! (repeat) I said Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom (repeat) Astronaut Style: I said a moon shoot the moon I said a moon shoot the moon I said a moon blast-me shoot-me blast-me shoot-me-to-the-moon… Continue…
3. “Get Up to Get Down” — Jack Hartmann
4. “Freeze Dance” — The Kiboomers
Let’s play the party freeze game
Now remember, when I say, “freeze”, freeze And when I say, “dance”, dance Dancing, dancing all around Dancing, dancing, dancing Dancing any way you please But stop when I say, “freeze” Everybody, get ready to hop Hopping, hopping all around Hopping, hopping, hopping Hopping any way you please But stop when I say, “freeze” Continue…
5. “Trolls: Can’t Stop the Feeling” — Go Noodle
I got this feeling inside my bones
It goes electric, wavey when I turn it on And if you want it, inside your soul Just open up your heart, let music take control
I got that sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops, ooh I can’t take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally Room on lock the way we rock it, so don’t stop Continue…
Preschool Songs for Quiet Time
As we wind down this post, let’s talk about songs that help our kids wind down, too. Moms know that once our kids outgrow naps, quiet time is the key to keeping everyone sane. We all need that time of reprieve during the day — a time to pause and refresh. And while our preschoolers aren’t likely to go down without a fight, they need quiet time as well. We’ve put together a list of songs to help get kids in the quiet time frame of mind.
1. “Bring it Down” — Go Noodle
2. “Be Mindful” — Jack Hartmann
3. “Safe and Calm for Children” — The Learning Station
4. “Quiet Time Song” — Cocomelon
You’ve had a lot of fun
Spent time out in the sun If you don’t feel your best Then take some time to rest! It’s quiet time, it’s quiet time A special time for you to choose Some quiet things… you can do It’s quiet time… for me and you! Continue…
5. “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” — Super Simple Songs
What’s your favorite type of song to listen to with your preschooler?
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