historical monikers

Hail To The Chief! 20+ Presidential Baby Names That Go Beyond George & James

These names are both patriotic and precious.

by Deirdre Kaye
Originally Published: 
A toddler sits in front of an American flag.
Ol'ga Efimova/EyeEm/Getty Images

The act of having a baby means you already have high hopes. You hope that your pregnancy won’t be a total nightmare. And who doesn’t hope that they’ll be a (somewhat) decent parent? But, of course, those are only the beginnings of your high hopes. From the moment that baby starts kicking away at your bladder, you start plotting their future. First, you think they’ll be a soccer star or an MMA champ. As time passes, more personality traits emerge, and your aspirations for your child get loftier and loftier. Will they be a world-renowned architect? Those impressive building block towers suggest so. How about a gold medal-winning gymnast? Based on how they tumble off the couch, the odds seem good. One thing is for sure, though: All parents want their children to be game-changers and leaders. We want to raise kids who not only do the right thing but who fight for what’s right — just like you’d expect a president to do. So, in your search for the perfect personality-shaping moniker for your little one, you might start considering presidential baby names.

Of course, America isn’t the only country with a president, and we now know that presidents don’t have to be old white men. Thanks to leaders like President Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris, the last few decades have given us the space to feel like our dreams for all of our babies can come true. They can be world-savers… as soon as they’re potty trained! So, this list of presidential names isn’t the usual round-up of patriotic names of dead presidents — it’s more meaningful than that. The following names reflect politicians from around the globe and across the gender spectrum.

No matter what you believe or who you want leading the way, you’ll find a name on here that seems positively presidential. And we humbly suggest you use it for your baby to encourage them to make waves *and* make laws.

Presidential Baby Names for Boys

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1. Alberto (Fernandez, Argentina)

While it’s the name of one of Argentina’s presidents, Alberto is an old name that has roots in German. And many famous people have been named with variations on the name. Albert Einstein, anyone? Einstein dabbled in politics himself, even writing to President Roosevelt to warn of atomic bombs. Alberto means “noble, bright, and famous.”

2. Andy (Beshear, United States)

OK, sure. This down-to-Earth governor from Kentucky’s real name is officially Andrew, which means “strong and manly.” But, everyone in Kentucky just called their governor Andy. Since cute, short names are all the rage right now, we think just “Andy” will do fine. Plus, we really hope he runs for president someday.

3. Barack (Obama, United States)

Our first Black president’s name means both “lightning” and “blessing” in Swahili. We’ve heard First Lady Michelle Obama call him “Barry” often during their time in the spotlight. We also like that you could potentially refer to your kiddo as “The Rock” without much of a stretch. While Barack was essentially unheard of before 2007, it’s got presidential precedence now.

4. Félix (Tshisekedi, Democratic Republic of Congo)

The name Félix is already so sweet for a little boy. It’s got ties to Spanish and Portuguese heritages, but can be traced all the way back to its Latin roots, where “felicis” means “lucky, fortunate.” Rather perfect for a president, no?

5. Gabriel (Boric, Chile)

With Hebrew origins and a prominent role in the Bible, Gabriel is already a fairly popular name. We’ve never had a President of the United States with the name Gabriel but, hopefully, it’s only a matter of time. The name means “God is my strength.”

6. Booker (Cory Booker, United States)

The first Black U.S. senator from New Jersey, Cory Booker ran for president in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Although he suspended his campaign on Jan. 13, 2020, the possibility he’ll run again is alive and well. Throughout his career, Booker has earned a reputation for pushing legislation to advance women’s rights, affirmative action, LGBTQ+ rights, and more. He even once rushed into a burning building to save a woman from a house fire! In addition to Cory, the name Booker also nods to Booker T. Washington, an educator and thought leader who advised several sitting U.S. presidents.

7. Guillermo (Lasso, Ecuador)

This is a fun one! Guillermo is Mexican and means “protection.” If you think of all the wild and potentially dangerous decisions a president of any country makes every single day, the ability to protect seems pretty important.

8. Luis (Arce, Bolivia)

This name with Spanish origins (and many spelling variations) means “famous warrior.” So, much like Guillermo, the name elicits a sense of safety.

9. Nelson (Mandela, South Africa)

While many people will hear the name Nelson and think of a nerdy kid, we think of Nelson Mandela, who ended apartheid in South Africa and brought relative peace to a once violently segregated country. Will your little Nelson “champion” peace and equality, too?

10. Abram (Stacey Abrams, United States)

How do we love Stacey Abrams, let us count the ways! This political leader and voting rights activist from Georgia was the first Black woman to become the gubernatorial nominee for a major party in the U.S., as well as the first Black woman to deliver a Response to the State of the Union. Honestly, we could wax poetic about her all day long, but suffice it to say we think she’d make an excellent POTUS. Meaning “exalted father,” Abram or Abrams makes for an undeniably interesting first name.

11. Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln, United States)

Since Honest Abe’s first name feels a little too close to the aforementioned suggestion of Abram, let’s look to his last name: Lincoln. Of English origin, this moniker means “the lake settlement” and comes with one of the best built-in nicknames, Linc. Bonus: It’s gender neutral, as Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard gave the name to their daughter.

12. Pete (Pete Buttigieg, United States)

Although Sen. Pete Buttigieg didn't win the presidential race, he was a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate who made waves in our nation without winning. He was the first openly gay cabinet nominee and senate confirmed LGBTQ+ cabinet secretary. The name is also just plain cute and reminds us a little of Spider-Man. It can also be stretched to an equally adorable name like Petey.

13. Garfield (James Garfield, United States)

We are not talking about the lasagna-loving tabby cat but the 20th President of the United States — James Garfield. Garfield served nine terms in the U.S. House of Representatives before entering the White House. And just 200 days into his presidency, American writer Charles J. Guiteau assassinated him. Although Garfield isn't a super well-known president, he does have a fun name.

Presidential Baby Names for Girls

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1. Eleanor (Roosevelt, United States)

Old-fashioned names are growing increasingly more popular, making Eleanor a surprisingly trendy pick. An English variation of the Provençal name Aliénor, the name means “light-hearted” or “shining light.” Which, c’mon, is pretty. But also, it has a noble namesake in First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt — a relentless advocate for a litany of important causes, from gender and race equality to socioeconomic justice. FDR may have been given top billing in the White House, but it was widely understood that Eleanor worked alongside him as his equal.

2. Bidya (Devi Bhandari, Nepal)

This Hindu name is so pretty and petite. While the sweetness of the pronunciation of the Bidya seems perfect for a small child, it holds significant meaning for an adult, too. After all, wouldn’t you want a president known for their “knowledge”?

3. Jacqueline (Kennedy Onassis, United States)

Jackie Kennedy captured everyone’s attention when she and her husband, John F. Kennedy, made their way into the political field. She remained in the spotlight, even after her husband’s assassination. Jacqueline (and its many different spellings) means “supplanter,” “holder of the heel,” and “may God protect.” We’re confident this smart and graceful lady would have made a great president.

4. Kamala (Harris, United States)

Kamala means “lotus flower,” a flower that symbolizes enlightenment. Kamala Harris is our first female vice president, but we’re holding out hope that her political career doesn’t end there.

5. Maia (Sandu, Moldova)

What is a president if not the parental figure of a nation? They lead us just like a father or mother. Maia is a Greek name that, in fact, means both “great” and “mother.”

6. Salome (Zourabichvili, Georgia)

This Hebrew name means “peace.” And, uh, yes. That’s precisely the vibe we want from a president.

7. Robin (Joseph Robinette Biden, United States)

President Biden’s middle name is technically a last name, and it’s pretty cool on its own. But we also love the shorter and more unisex version of the name: Robin. The name means “bright, fame.” That seems on-par for someone who will become president, no? Not to mention, the tie to the bird of the same name gives the presidential name a bit of a nature-y feel.

8. Zuzana (Čaputová, Slovakia)

Zuzana is just another variation of Susan, Susanne, or Suzanna, meaning “lily.” The lily flower typically represents everything from purity, fertility, and rebirth, depending on the exact kind of lily you have. All of those refreshing meanings hit home with us in our quest to find the perfect presidential name.

9. Inslee (Jay Inslee, United States)

There’s already talk of this Washington governor and former presidential candidate winding up with his name on the ballot again in 2024. The name Inslee is habitational from parishes in Scotland and England, so it doesn’t have a “meaning” like the other names on the list, per se. However, the governor who inspired us to include the name is a huge champion of climate change legislation, a close friend of climate activist Al Gore, and illustrates books for his grandchildren in his spare time. Those all sound like winning qualities.

10. Alexandria (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, United States)

Our girl AOC is going places. Could it be all the way to the oval office? With a name that literally means “defender of mankind,” it’s hard to imagine not seeing her take the oath someday.

11. Michelle Obama (Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, United States)

Michelle Obama is an impressive force in her own rite. She’s a lawyer, writer, and advocate for health and nutrition. She’s also been hashtaged, the #forveverFLOTUS. Michelle is definitely a name that will make your daughter stand out.

12. Kennedy (John Fitzgerald Kennedy, United States)

As we explained above, Kennedy is the surname of President John F. Kennedy. But it’s also a cute name you can use for a little girl or boy. Kennedy was a popular president, not only because of his tragic assassination but because of his efforts during such pivotal times in history, like the civil rights era and the Cuban missile crisis.

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