This NICU Nurse’s Tribute To Birthing Mothers Is What We Needed To Hear Today
“I literally just have to fight the urge to get on my knees and bow down to you...”

I’ve never had a baby, but let me tell you, I’ve heard stories. My mom is a postpartum nurse, and she’s made sure to fill me in on the details... vividly. And, one thing is for sure, moms — it’s called “going into labor” for a reason, because you all are putting in the work.
We simply don’t give birthing moms enough credit for the mental and physical effort that goes into having a baby, and one nurse is making his awe known on TikTok.
“WOMEN!!!” shouted Mikey, who goes by @thesaintmikey on TikTok.
As a NICU nurse, Mikey explains that he sees new moms mere hours after tiring, often complicated births, and is absolutely amazed by their strength.
“Half the time you are completely sleep deprived, haven't had much to eat, haven't had much to drink, you're in pain, you're exhausted,” he said. “I literally just have to fight the urge to get on my knees and bow down to you, because what the hell.”
“You just went through an insane vaginal delivery attempt that turned C-section, and now you're here for the 8 p.m. feed. I am in awe of y'all,” Mikey continued.
He also noted how moms often are gearing up to take care of their baby, when they’ve just experienced a truly life-changing medical event.
“You want to get up and change the diaper. You're asking me how the baby's looking. I'm like, how are you?” Mikey said.
He shared how his time in the NICU meeting new mothers has truly inspired him because seriously, we don’t talk about how crazy it is that you just went in there and birthed a whole human person enough!
“I'm thinking about life outside of work and everything kind of seems so small compared to this huge thing that a mother goes through in birth, and it's downplayed a lot,” he said.
“I am just here to say I'm really proud to be able to take care of these babies, and even more proud to be there for Mom, because Mom is there for baby, and that's so cool to me,” he continued.
Does anyone else want Mikey as their nurse?
NICU nurses and moms in the comments shared their reactions to his video.
“This is why as a NICU nurse, I try my best to hype up and take care of the moms I work with,” one user commented. “I can’t imagine how difficult it is for them to be without their baby.”
“I literally would have crawled if they hadn't wheeled me in to see my first born during her NICU time. nothing stops a mama,” another said.
“NICU mom here. This made me cry. Never heard this POV before,” said another.
Frankly, this POV should be plastered on billboards. Shout out to all the new moms doing the most, and to Mikey for bringing proper attention to them!