timing is everything

The Internet Is Debating What Time Of Year Is The Best To Get Pregnant

Morning sickness over by the holidays? Sign me up!

by Katie Garrity
Originally Published: 
A TikTok mom swears that there is only one perfect time of the year to get pregnant, and the interne...
Love Frances Chie / TikTok

I was 40 weeks pregnant in the middle of July. Let me paint you a picture of a sweaty, large, irritated woman who never wanted to go outside due to relentless humidity and swollen feet. Those last few weeks were rough, not to mention that my morning sickness was at its high during Thanksgiving. I couldn’t even look at a slice of pumpkin pie. A true travesty.

Basically, what I am trying to tell you is don’t get pregnant in late October!

One woman on TikTok thinks she has nailed the perfect time of year to get pregnant, and the internet has some thoughts.

Mom Love Frances Chie swears that there is only one perfect time of the year that makes pregnancy a breeze and lines up with desirable astrological signs (if you’re into that sort of thing!).

“Well, there was only one right answer. If you haven't guessed already, the best time is going to be end of July or the month of August,” she says.

She then explains exactly why the end of July or August can be the most opportune time to conceive, starting with the timing of dreaded morning sickness, which typically lasts until about 16 weeks.

“I was lucky enough to have this with my first, and it was the best. Your morning sickness will be completed by October — right in time for the holiday season. That means you'll be feeling good and ready to chow down on Thanksgiving and Christmas,” she gleefully says.

Her second point (and my favorite) is that the majority of a pregnancy that began in late summer will be during the colder months (if you live in that climate) which means so many comfy clothes.

“Seven of your months will be spent in the cold weather so you get to wear oversized sweaters, hoodies and sweatpants, and be comfy. Also, since it's cold you're not missing out on a thing,” she says.

Lastly, having a baby in the spring means an entire summer of fun with a newborn, getting outside and enjoying fresh air when you can.

She continues, “You'll have your baby end of April or May, so you'll get to enjoy your baby the whole summer and it's great for postpartum because you'll be able to get out and get some fresh air. And if you're lucky you might have a Taurus which is the best sign I would say.’

She then asks for others to challenge her thinking before noting that every baby is a gift no matter when they’re born.

After her video went viral, hundreds of TikTok users chimed in with their own thoughts on the best time of year to get pregnant.

One user said, “Hell yeah pregnant in July and due in April 🥰🥰”

Another joked, “the risk of a Gemini baby 😳”

The OP replied, “😂 my grandma oh lord lol”

One user argued that springtime is the best time of year to get pregnant and wrote, “Nope, I would say end of March/April. Cute bump summertime, jumpers in autumn, Birth at Christmas (I’m due 19th), off work until Jan 2025. 👌🏼”

Another TikToker said that winter was actually the best time to conceive and said, “end of December! you'll have a September baby and still have good weather on birthdays. and you can snuggle with your baby in the could months 💕”

One user wholeheartedly agreed with the OP and wrote, “I CAN CONFIRM THIS. My 2nd was end of April and THE BEST PREGNANCY & PostPartum! Enjoyed Summer & she was walking by next Summer(1yr)AMAZING!”

In another video, Chie suggested the worst times of year to get pregnant, noting that around the holidays is one of the worst times since you’ll most likely miss out on all the amazing fun of the holidays.

Food for thought, for those trying to conceive?!?

This article was originally published on