28 Weeks Pregnant — Your Baby Is The Size Of A Bread Basket

Welcome to Scary Mommy’s pregnancy week by week guide! We’re here to give you all the info about what to expect when you’re expecting: be it symptoms, your pregnancy week by week size and development, your changing body, or ultrasounds and appointments. Here’s everything you need to know about week 28.
Your Body at Week 28 Pregnant
You Lose Snooze
When you’re 28 weeks pregnant, you’re in the seventh month of pregnancy — and it’s the official milestone for entering the third trimester. Now that you’re in the home stretch, you’re probably missing a little thing called sleep. Yep, it’s notoriously tough to get decent shut-eye at this point. In fact, it’s not easy to get comfortable wherever you are, whether that’s in bed, on the couch or sitting at work. When you wake up in the middle of the night, try to do something serene to keep in a restful state — think sipping soothing (caffeine-free!) tea or reading a book. Try to go back to bed as soon as your eyes become heavy again.
Measuring Up
When your doctor measures your belly at your next prenatal appointment, your OB will be looking for a height of about 26 to 30 centimeters from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus. That length signifies that your baby is growing at just the right rate now and in the correct position. If the measurement is off, that could mean baby is sideways or breached. But for those having twins, this measurement isn’t typically taken, since the same guidelines don’t apply.
Count Your Kicks
Once you hit 28 weeks pregnant, it’s time to start counting baby’s kicks to monitor his movements and make sure they’re consistent. The best way to do so is to pick a time of day. Set a timer and count how long it takes to feel 10 fetal movements. It should be under two hours. Next day, do the same thing at the same time. Keep a log and record everything—this way you’ll know your baby’s schedule to ensure he’s moving around. If you notice any changes, notify your doctor.
Your Baby at Week 28 Pregnant
At 28 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the size of a bread basket. Weighing around 2.2 pounds, baby is now about 14.8 inches in length. Your little one is gaining layers of fat, smoothing out her skin. Your baby is now starting to breathe on its own, something you might be able to spot during an ultrasound.
Your baby’s eyes have been sealed shut, but at 28 weeks they can now begin to open and close them, and the irises have color! You’re probably wondering what color the eyes are, but there’s a good chance they could change, since baby’s eye color can alter up to a year after birth.
You’re not the only one with pregnancy dreams — baby might be dreaming, too! According to brain wave activity that has been measured in a 28-week old fetus, babies now have different sleep cycles, including REM (rapid eye movement phase), which is when dreaming happens.
Your Symptoms and Health at Week 28 Pregnant
Just Breathe
Feel like you ran a marathon? Shortness of breath is common at this stage. As baby continues to grow, your little one is hogging up the space around your lungs and diaphragm, making it more difficult to breathe. When you feel like you can’t catch your breath, take a break and just go easy in general.
Spring a Leak
To start preparing for baby’s arrival, your breasts may already be producing their first food, which is colostrum. Watch out — the yellowish substance might start coming out before your baby.
Achy Breaky
The third trimester is when the aches and pains really kick in. Blame the hormone fluctuations and the fact that pregnancy just isn’t easy on your body. All that extra weight can trigger musculoskeletal pain. To ease those aches, treat yourself to a prenatal massage. Yoga, stretching, walking and swimming also soothe the body. If you have to be on your feet a lot, a maternity support belt will be your best friend.
Growing Pains
As you get closer to delivery time, nature’s practice run starts to become more common — we’re talking Braxton Hicks contractions. They don’t actually mean that you’re going into labor, but it might feel like it to you! The contractions can become stronger and more frequent the closer you get to your due date. Just make sure to monitor that they’re not happening too often. If they become more regular and don’t ease up, that might be a sign of preterm labor, so call your doctor immediately.
Double Trouble
Welcome to the home stretch! You’re in the first week of the last trimester, so you’re likely feeling short of breath on the regular as your growing twins are squishing your poor insides. You might also be experiencing more intense aches and pains than before, none of which are helped by your lack of sleep. Thanks to the twins’ late night dance parties and, you know, the general discomfort of carrying two mini humans inside you, you’re not sleeping the best. As hard as it is with all you have to do to prepare for your new arrivals (especially if you’re working), try take naps when you can. Your body needs rest, especially in this last phase when you’re at your most drained.
The Braxton Hicks contractions are usually even more noticeable at this point when you’re having twins. They might be happening more regularly, but unless they persist or feel severe, it’s probably nothing to worry about. If you’re concerned and contractions won’t let up, call your healthcare provider immediately. Premature birth is much more common with twins so the signs of preterm labour are something to be aware of.
The contents of this article have been medically reviewed by Ruth A. Tessler, M.D. in July, 2019.
Written by Celia Shatzman.
Follow Preggo Nancy’s pregnancy journey week-by-week and share in her joy, her symptoms, and even her pregnancy cravings.
Read More:
27 Weeks Pregnant — Your Baby Is The Size Of A Giant Container Of Ketchup
29 Weeks Pregnant — Your Baby Is The Size Of A Lobster
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